1. Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and his sons will stand trial for ordering deadly force to put down protesters in Egypt (several hundred were killed), as well as for corruption. Aljazeera English reports: The trial, while it is intended to strengthen the rule of law, is attended with dangers. It could stiffen resistance of […]
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Selective Outrage about War
This poster at reddit.com compares the various costs of Bush’s illegal war in Iraq to those of the UN /NATO intervention in Libya (which is not illegal in internationaL law) and asks you to guess which one Republicans are angry about.
Tripoli’s Gradual Collapse: ICC Indictment of Qaddafi and Ghanem’s Defection
Libyan Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem has defected from the Qaddafi regime and fled to Tunisia. This defection is a big deal. Ghanem had been at OPEC when Libya was under economic sanctions, and his return to Libya as prime minister and head of the ruling party in 2003 was intended to signal Muammar Qaddafi’s return […]
Arabs: 90% say Qaddafi illegitimate, 75% Want him Forcibly Removed
I received this press release from the Doha Debates (a member of the Qatar Foundation) by email. The results vis-a-vis Libya are not surprising, since Qaddafi is widely hated in the Arab world and everyone watched in horror as he had tank salvos and cluster bombs fired at non-combatants. But that last bit about being […]
Women Protest, Mourn in Liberated Misrata as UK Pledges Aid
Chairman of the Transitional National Council based in Benghazi, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, met Thursday in London with British Prime Minister David Cameron. Abdel Jalil said that the recent defense of the port of Misrata from deadly attacks by Qaddafi brigades was made possible by the arrival of light arms at the port, with which the […]
Free Libya Forces Advance as NATO announces Phase 2 of War
The Libyan struggle will likely go on for some time, but the so-called stalemate did witness some movement on Tuesday. Indeed, NATO announced the inauguration of a Phase 2 of the war. NATO jets hit further command and control sites in Tripoli, the capital. They also hit Qaddafi brigades positions in western Misrata. At the […]
Libyan Opposition: ‘Extremely Happy’ at Bin Laden’s Death, Combatting al-Qaeda
The Qaddafis have repeatedly accused the Free Libya forces to the east and south of Tripoli of being Muslim radicals and even al-Qaeda sympathizers. On Tuesday, the Libyan opposition responded in the Saudi-owned al-Sharq al-Awsat to these charges, denouncing them as lies. They said that in fact, they have had to fight pro-al-Qaeda bands (implying […]
NATO Strike on Command Center kills Qaddafi Son
I’m going to play skeptic on the Libyan government account of the NATO airstrike. The cover story is that Muammar Qaddafi and one of his wives was visiting son Saif al-Arab and the grandchildren and suddenly a dastardly NATO airstrike killed the son and three grandchildren but left Muammar and the wife unharmed. NATO says […]
Free Libya Forces Hold out in Misrata, Zintan, As Tribes Say Qaddafi Must Go
CNN’s Ray Sayeh intrepidly reports from Misrata on the further shelling its port area took from Qaddafi brigades on Wednesday. Those loyalist brigades have been pushed out of the center of the town by the Free Libya forces, but they are still able to sit in the western suburbs and to target the port area. […]