Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Last week Trump erroneously tweeted out that Alabama was in the path of Hurricane Dorian, which could have set off a panic in Alabama that led to people leaving their homes unnecessarily, and to economic harm. The Birmingham National Weather Service contradicted the president. It now transpires that Wilbur Ross, […]
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Arab World
The Most Dangerous Border: What Israeli Strikes in Lebanon mean for Iran & Saudi Arabia
By Abdulaziz Alghashian | – Recent clashes between Israel and Hezbollah on the Lebanese border have caused much speculation of a looming military confrontation between Israel, Hezbollah and Iran, which backs the militant group. The exchange of fire in early September followed the crashing of two reportedly Israeli drones in Beirut in late August. A […]
After Trump Flaked Out re: Iran, Is the United Arab Emirates backing off Conflict?
By Stasa Salacanin | – The recently-held meetings between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Iranian officials have caught many by surprise, particularly given that, not long ago, the UAE – along with Saudi Arabia – was one of the main opponents of Tehran and a vocal supporter of the US administration’s policy of “maximum […]
Bernie Sanders after Saudi Prison Massacre in Yemen: “We are Complicit in this Nightmare”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Saudi fighter-jets bombed a makeshift prison on a college campus in Dhamar, Yemen, south of the capital of Sana’a eight times on Sunday, killing at least 100 prisoners according to the International Committee of the Red Cross.Dozens of wounded have been taken to Revolution Hospital and many are in critical […]
Yemen: Southern Secessionists Retake Aden after UAE Kills 300 in airstrikes
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Yemen’s southern separatist movement announced Thursday that it had regained control of all of the Arabian Sea port city of Aden and its surrounding province, and was near to taking Abyan province and its capital, Zinjibar. This according to the Egyptian Newspaper al-Masry al-Youm (The Egyptian Today) and Agence France […]
The Saudi Axis and Israel’s Drone War on the Shiite Crescent
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In the past week, Linah al-Saafin at Al Jazeera English points out, an Israeli drone hit a Hizbullah target in Lebanon, Israeli fighter jets bombed a base in Syria with Iranian personnel, and Israel somehow hit bases of a Shiite militia in Iraq, including one on the Syria-Iraq border, killing […]
Saudi-led coalition in Yemen undergoes emergency repairs after Internal Faction-Fighting
( – The Saudi-led coalition waging war on Yemen’s Houthis is undergoing emergency repairs following last week’s armed clashes between rival anti-Houthi forces. The whole of Shabwa province is now said to be under the control of government forces after a failed attempt by southern separatists – trained and supported by the UAE – […]
Former Iraqi PM Threatens Military action against Israel after Tel Aviv Bombed Shiite Militia Base
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Former prime minister of Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki, responded to news that Israel had bombed Shiite militia bases in Iraq with threats that if it continued, Iraq would take strong defensive measures and would carry the fight to Israel itself, forming a multinational coalition and backed by Iran. Al-Maliki has been […]
Yemen: fierce fighting as UAE-Backed Separatists & Saudi-backed Gov’t clash over oil fields
( – Intense fighting broke out in Yemen on Thursday as southern separatists and pro-government forces battled for control of the city of Ataq. Both sides in the conflict are officially members of the Saudi-led coalition against the Houthis who control the capital, Sanaa, and much of northern Yemen. The separatists are backed by the […]