TeleSur | – – The killers claim to be fighters om a rebel group that has received both financial and arms support from the United States and allies. A disturbing video circulating online shows an alleged group of U.S.-backed Syrian rebels beheading a Palestinian boy who they accused of being a fighter loyal to President […]
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Arab World
Iranian Hardliners Want to Stop Blocking Twitter — to Defeat Saudi Propaganda
By Mahsa Alimardani | ( | – – A group of Iranian government hardliners, who typically stand at the forefront of policies curtailing freedom of expression, are demanding that Iran stop blocking Twitter. This sudden change of tune has very little to do with the rights of Iranian users. Rather, they are making this […]
Defeating ISIL in Iraq will Take Sunni-Shiite Reconciliation, not Just Tanks
London (Informed Comment) – As Iraqi, Kurdish and Syrian forces squeeze its territory in the Arab world and Turkey hunts down the group’s support networks and sympathisers inside its territory, it can seem like the days of Islamic State (IS) are finally numbered after a two year reign of terror in the region. However it […]
Iraq: As ISIL loses land, it is Terrorizing to provoke Sectarian Fighting
By Mustafa Habib | Baghdad | ( | – – It is slowly becoming clear that the extremist Islamic State group is returning to its roots, setting off bombs to kill innocents in crowded places, to cause chaos. Then it plans to take advantage of the unrest. The extremist group known as the Islamic State […]
Kerry Proposing Joint US-Russian Airstrikes against Extremists in Syria
TeleSur | – – According to a leaked U.S. plan, Washington and Moscow would merge their respective air campaigns against non-state armed groups in Syria. The United States will propose increasing military cooperation and sharing intelligence with Russia to identify and target Islamic State group and al-Qaida headquarters, training camps and supply routes in Syria, […]
A Story of Two Syrian Sieges: Manbij and East Aleppo
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The relatively even-handed Arabic newspaper Oman reports that the Syrian Democratic Forces (a mixed Kurdish and Arab group) advanced further into the city of Manbij on Wednesday. Manbij is a major outpost for Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) in northern Syria, and the likelihood is that the Syrian […]
Iranian Fighters in Syria Hailed as Martyrs, Shrine-Defenders by Hard Liners
By Golnaz Esfandiari | (RFE/RL) | – – In late May, Iranian state and Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) officials turned out in force at a state funeral in Ardebil Province. Revolutionary Guard Hashem Dehghani-nia's was among the latest coffins to have returned from the battlegrounds of Syria, where a rising Iranian death toll testifies […]
Is Turkey making a 180° Turn, warming to al-Assad & abandoning Saudi & Rebels?
TeleSur | – – The two countries had been allies before the 2011 uprising in Syria. Turkey is seeking to normalize relations with its neighbor Syria, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said in a televised address on Wednesday. The news comes just weeks after Turkey restored diplmatic relations with Israel and one of Syria’s top […]
Is Kerry Right? Are Freemen of Syria and Army of Islam Radical Terrorists?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Josh Rogin of the Washington Post caused a stir by noticing something Secretary of State John Kerry said at Aspen last month. Kerry slammed Syrian al-Qaeda (Nusra Front) and Daesh (ISIS, ISIL), then said, “There are a couple of subgroups underneath the two designated — Daesh […]