From M. E. Hume-Griffith and A. Hume, Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia: An Account of an Englishwoman’s Eight Years’ Residence Amongst the Women of the East (1909). The authors note that these are Christian women, presumably Iraqi Chaldeans, and they alleged that Muslim women declined at that time to be photographed. Since […]
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Arab World
Gaza Photo Blog: Palestinian Fishermen Idled by Israeli Policies
(By Muhamad Sabah via B’Tselem) Following are images of the fishing docks in Gaza as captured by B’Tselem field researcher Muhammad Sabah. There is no denying the colorful sight of so many boats moored in the harbor. Yet in point of fact, the picturesque sight is evidence of a grim reality, with the boats out […]
Bad for the Jews: Israeli Annexation of Palestinian West Bank, Scarlett Johansson and BDS
(By Juan Cole) The determination of the Likud Party to annex the Palestinian West Bank is damaging the interests of world Jewry. This harm is clearly visible in the controversy that has engulfed movie star Scarlett Johansson, who was a global ambassador for the Oxfam charity and who also agreed to become a spokesperson for […]
Increasingly Paranoid Egyptian Junta Jails 20 Journalists for Reporting News i.e. Conspiracy
ITN reports :
Solving the Mideast Water and Energy Crises: Large-Scale Solar Desalinization in UAE
(Via CleanTechnica) 120 MW Solar Power Plant In The Works In The UAE (via Clean Technica) Utico Middle East, a solar developer currently working to develop a 40 MW solar power plant in the United Arab Emirates, recently made the surprise announcement that the project will/could be tripled in size if the plant can be […]
Don’t Break up Syria: WW I-Style Imperial Divide & Rule is a Failure
(By Christopher Dekki) Since the beginning of this terrible conflict in Syria, I have been closely listening to people’s reactions to the violence and devastation occurring there. What is astonishing is how quickly Syria transformed from a place of relative obscurity to a topic of constant discussion among so many. Even more astonishing, the solutions […]
Dovish SOTU: Obama will Veto AIPAC Iran Sanctions, Pledges Afghanistan Wind-Down
(By Juan Cole) President Obama’s State of the Union address addressed some key foreign policy issues–Afghanistan and Iran above all– though it was primarily aimed at domestic issues, and mainly at those where executive orders and policy might make at least a marginal impact. Opinion polls show that US public support for the Afghanistan War, […]
Syria: Trapped Women of besieged Homs decline evacuation, fearing for their Men
(Via Globalpost) Women and children fearing for male relatives refuse to leave Syria’s Homs (via GlobalPost) More than half of the 500 women and children trapped in the Syrian city of Homs refuse to be evacuated, saying they fear leaving male relatives behind, activists said Monday. “Some 200 women and children, those suffering the worst […]
The 18th Brumaire of Gen. al-Sisi in Egypt
(By Juan Cole) On Monday, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) announced that Field Marshall Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (also the minister of defense) was free to run for president if his conscience led him to do so. There had been a question whether the officers wanted him to get directly involved in politics. […]