The crisis in Bahrain continues to boil along, despite the harsh crackdown of the Sunni monarchy on the protest movement (made up largely of the Shiite majority, but also supported by some Sunni parties). The crackdown has left about 83 dead in the past year, and hundreds have been imprisoned. Abd al-Hadi al-Khwajah, a protester […]
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Arab World
Syrian Civil War Kills 160, Spills over onto Lebanon, Turkey; Will US Intervene?
Fighting on Monday in Homs and other Syrian cities left some 160 dead on Monday, and, ominously, Syrian troops fired into Lebanon and Turkey, killing 3 persons. The Syrian crisis has escalated into a civil war, and now it is threatening to involve Syria’s neighbors. The Syrian military attacked the town of Rastan near Homs […]
US Pentagon Trained Iranian terrorists in Nevada: Hersh
For those who missed this this weekend. The intrepid Seymour Hersh reports at the New Yorker that the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) of the US military gave members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK or People’s Holy Jihadis) training in signals intelligence at a facility in Nevada during the Bush era. The MEK was then […]
Videos on the Muslim Brotherhood and the Quest for Power in Egypt
Aljazeera English on the Muslim Brotherhood’s Khairat al-Shater and his plans to run for the presidency of Egypt: The USG Open Source Center paraphrased this piece from the Muslim Brotherhood web site Cairo Egyptwindow in Arabic for Weds. April 4: “Article by Muhammad al-Suruji entitled: “10 important questions on al-Shatir’s nomination” dated 4 April. The […]
Rafsanjani: Iran does not Want Nukes, Should improve relations with US, Saudi
Former Iranian president Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, gave an interview in a security studies journal recently, and I thought it might be important to share some key passages here. They were translated from the Fars News Agency by the USG Open Source Center. Rafsanjani is head of the Expediency Council, which resolves conflicts between the […]
Arab spring brings steep rise in US attacks in Yemen (Woods & Slater)
Christ Woods and Emma Slater write at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism: Arab spring brings steep rise in US attacks in Yemen by Chris Woods and Emma Slater Covert US strikes against alleged militants in Yemen have risen steeply during the Arab spring, and are currently at the same level as the CIA’s controversial drone […]
The Arab Revolutions Continue, its Just not Mostly on American TV
Friday is a traditional day of protest in the Arab world, and yesterday did not disappoint. In addition, there were some important developments in the two post-revolutionary societies of Egypt and Tunisia. 1. Tens of thousands of Syrians demonstrated in a number of Syrian cities on Friday, including in Idlib province and in the capital […]
Is Iraq’s Arab League Summit being Overshadowed by Sectarian Violence?
Iraq is planning to host the summit of the Arab League in Baghdad next week, in a bid to underscore its reemergence as an independent Arab state and an integral member of the League. But, you couldn’t say things have gone well for the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in the run-up to the […]
Damascus sees first signs of Guerrilla War
Syrian opposition forces fought the fiercest battle with government loyalist troops yet on Monday, in the tony El Mezze district of Damascus. Damascus, the capital, has not seen huge demonstrations. This violence is the severest form of opposition that the capital has witnessed. The Free Syrian Army, made up largely of defectors, has suffered major […]