By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – Daesh (ISIL, ISIS), the murderous terrorist organization that has taken over the eastern desert of Syria and the western desert of Iraq, along with perhaps 3 million townspeople, is now making a move on Syria’s largest city, Aleppo. For the past five days, Daesh has been fighting […]
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Did the US DIA see ISIL as a strategic Ally against al-Assad in 2012?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment)- The answer, in a word, is “no.” Fabius Maximus is right that this is just a clickbait story or an unfounded conspiracy theory. The Defense Intelligence Agency’s correct assessment of where things were going in Syria, done in 2012, doesn’t say that the US created sectarian groups and it […]
ISIL beheaded Dozens in Palmyra, but how Strategic is the City?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – Nearly 500 people died in the campaign by Daesh (ISIL, ISIS) to take the Syrian city of Palmyra, including 49 who were executed before the fundamentalists reached the city center. On Thursday, they are alleged by the Syrian Observatory on Human Rights to have beheaded at least […]
As Palmyra Falls, Who Supports Bashar al-Assad in Syria? (Charles Glass)
VICE News | (Video) “VICE News and the New York Review of Books have partnered to create Talking Heads, a series about the big issues of the day as seen by the Review’s distinguished contributors. In this episode, Charles Glass discusses his essay “In the Syria We Don’t Know.” He drove through Syria in October […]
Syrian Opposition, Caught between Assad & Extremists, Despair at World’s Neglect
By Haroro J. Ingram with L. T. Anthony | (The Conversation) | – Syrian civilians are trapped in the middle of a holocaust: prizes in a ruthless contest for popular support and cannon fodder mercilessly slaughtered by forces with little regard for human life. Despite many groups being implicated in actions targeting civilian populations, the […]
As ISIL takes Ramadi: America’s Hydra Problem in the Middle East
By Inge Fryklund | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | — In the Greek myth, Heracles battles the Hydra — a multi-headed reptilian monster that was terrorizing the Greek countryside. However, every time a head was cut off, two grew in its place, so cutting off one head at a time was an ineffective plan of […]
Syria: Roman Palmyra Monuments in danger as ISIL Fighters Near
BBC News | Video | – “Islamic State militants move to within a few miles of one of the world’s oldest and most important archaeological cities, Palmyra, in the latest stage of their campaign in Syria.” Islamic State: Fighters near site at Palmyra – BBC News
Why Obama is bucking Saudis, Israel on Iran: Deal would much Strengthen US Security
By Brian M Downing | (Informed Comment) | – The dialog between the US and Iran moves ahead, albeit haltingly. Opposition comes from important groups in both Tehran and Washington – as well as in a few Middle Eastern capitals. In Washington, the issue is decried as a sign of the administration’s naivety regarding world […]
Are the Houthis in Yemen really Iranian “Proxies”? What does that even Mean?
By Ari Heistein | (Informed Comment) — A 2014 al-Monitor headline declared “Yemen’s Houthis Proxy, not Ally for Iran” but then neglected to explain the difference. It is certainly unlikely that the Iranian-Houthi relationship is as strong as the U.S.-Israel or U.S.-Saudi relationship. Why then are the Houthis Iranian proxies but Israel and Saudi Arabia […]