Review of Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Yemen in the Shadow of Transition: Pursuing Justice Amid War (London: Hurst and Co., 2022). Greifswald, Germany (Special to Informed Comment) – In a context of war, do accountability and justice need to wait until the end of the conflict? In her well-researched and original book Yemen in the Shadow […]
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Apocalyptic Numbers: The Saudi-Trump War on Yemen
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Three years ago this month, the then 29-year-old Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia (now its crown prince) launched a ruinous war on Yemen. Yemen had been in Saudi Arabia’s back pocket in the 1990s and 2000s, and was a major recipient of Saudi aid, which […]
Yemen: Will Saudis try to Impose Ahmed Ali Saleh, son of Dictator?
Brian Whitaker | ( | – – When Yemen held parliamentary elections in 1997 Ahmed Ali Saleh, then aged 24, was a first-time candidate. Though new to politics, he won by a handsome margin – a victory that was no doubt helped by having his father, President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and many of the […]
The Saudi-US war on Yemen is killing 130 Children a Day & Other Bleak Statistics
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The Saudi-led coalition is waging total war on Yemen in a bid to defeat the guerrilla group, the Houthis or the Helpers of God. The Houthis took power in Sanaa in fall of 2014 and consolidated it in early 2015. By March-April, Saudi Arabia’s Muhammad Bin […]
Voices of Yemen’s ‘Forgotten War’ Speak Out, Despite Legal Barriers
Global Advocacy Netizen Report | ( Yemeni blogger Afrah Nasser was awarded this year’s International Free Press Award for her work covering the conflict in Yemen despite the many obstacles faced by journalists in the country. But Nasser, who also holds Swedish citizenship, was nearly unable to attend the awards ceremony in New York in […]
Yemen: Is Saudi Coalition deliberately Blocking Aid and Fuel to Civilians?
Human Rights Watch | – – Houthi-Saleh Obstruction also Heightens Crisis (Beirut) – The Saudi-led coalition’s restrictions on imports to Yemen have worsened the dire humanitarian situation of Yemeni civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The restrictions, in violation of international humanitarian law, have delayed and diverted fuel tankers, closed a critical port, and stopped […]
International Community must Halt Yemen Bloodbath
Hannah Porter | (Informed Comment) | – – A concerted effort by the international community to resolve Yemen’s war would see considerable benefits at a small cost, yet profits, alliances, and egos are getting in the way. On midnight, March 26, 2015, Saudi fighter jets took to the skies of Yemen, marking the beginning of […]
Saudi-Trump War on Yemen: Cholera Cases could Reach 130,000 in Two Weeks
TeleSur | – – “It is time for parties to the conflict to prioritize the boys and girls of Yemen and put an end to the fighting,” said UNICEF official Geert Cappelaere. Nearly 600 fatalities have already occurred among a total of 70,000 cholera cases in Yemen. Now, the United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, has […]
Top 5 Lessons Saudi should learn from its Failed Yemen War
By Mohammed Nuruzzaman | (Informed Comment) | – – Top 5 Lessons Saudi Arabia Learns from the Yemen War Saudi Arabia’s Yemen war has reached a dead end. Launched in late March 2015 to restore President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power, either by subduing or by eliminating the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and their allies, […]