By Kian Sharifi ( RFE / RL ) – The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s government at the hands of rebels, including Ankara-backed factions, has effectively made Turkey the dominant foreign actor in Syria at the expense of Iran and its ally Russia. Turkey and Iran have competed for years for influence in the South Caucasus, […]
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The Year ahead in the Middle East: A weakened Iran has big Implications for China
By Daniel Lincoln, University of Alberta (The Conversation) – The wheels of history have been turning rapidly in the Middle East over the last year. For a significant period of time, Iran’s status as a rising power within the region has been regarded as a consistent reality in assessing Middle Eastern geopolitics. But events since […]
Iran’s Axis Crumbles as Hezbollah Falters and Assad Falls.
Iran faces a sobering recalibration of its regional ambitions
Iran Detains Singer Who Performed Without Head Scarf
Update: Ms. Ahmadi was released from prison Sunday. She will face trial for the concert. By RFE/RL’s Radio Farda ( RFE/ RL ) – Iranian police released singer Parastoo Ahmadi in the early hours of December 15 following a brief detention after she performed without the mandatory head scarf, her lawyer has confirmed. Ahmadi caused […]
Iranian Leader Blames Assad’s Downfall On U.S., Israel, And Turkey
( RFE/ RL ) – Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, in his first public comments since Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was ousted, accused the United States and Israel of orchestrating the rebel uprising that toppled the regime over the weekend. Khamenei on December 11 also implicitly blamed Turkey for the lightning push of Syrian rebels […]
Why Iran can’t Stand up for the al-Assad Government: Russia isn’t Offering Air Support
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The strategic situation in Syria is dire for the Baathist government of Bashar al-Assad. Typically in military history, if an invader takes the capital of the other country, it secures its victory. Damascus is the prize. Damascus has an Achilles heel. It is landlocked, deep in the south of the […]
“Trump is the one to Blame” for Current Iran Crisis: An Interview with Gary Sick (Pt. 2)
This is part II of Fariba Amini’s two-part interview with Columbia University Political Scientist and former National Security Council Adviser (to President Jimmy Carter) Gary Sick, among America’s foremost Iran specialists. Part I is here. Gary Sick. Courtesy Columbia University. Fariba Amini: How do you see Trump’s internal and foreign policy agenda in the coming […]
Why is Iran so Central to US Policy? An Interview with Doyen of US Iran Experts, Gary Sick (Pt. 1)
Gary Sick was the national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter. He was present at the White House during some turbulent times- the Iranian revolution, Camp David Accord and more. He had served previously under President Ford and, for a short period, under Reagan. Later, he taught at Columbia University and for nearly 30 years […]
Iran and Israel Seek to Control online Narrative of their Conflict in advance of Next Hot Exchange
By Shirvin Zeinalzadeh, Arizona State University | (The Conversation) – Is Iran poised for a succession in leadership? Well, that depends on what you read. For weeks, rumors have been swirling about the health of the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as a possible replacement. In late […]