Scott Peterson at the Christian Science Monitor did a useful timeline for dire Israeli and US predictions of an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon, beginning 20 years ago. 1992: Israeli member of parliament Binyamin Netanyahu predicts that Iran was “3 to 5 years” from having a nuclear weapon. 1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicts an […]
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Israel/ Palestine
Top Ten Dangers for Obama of Iran Sanctions on behalf of Israel
President Barack Obama addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference on Sunday, warning against loose war talk regarding Iran but also threatening violence against that country to stop it, he said, from getting a nuclear weapon ( not an ambition in evidence). The speech is here. Obama has ratcheted up US financial sanctions against […]
Dear President Obama: On Iran, Listen to the Israelis, not the Likud
It is often the case in democratic societies that reasonable people get saddled with extremist governments. Israel is in such a situation at the moment. Shibley Telhami, the Sadat Chair at the University of Maryland, has released an [pdf] opinion poll of Israelis concerning the possibility of a strike on Iran’s civilian nuclear enrichment facilities. […]
Israel – Iran Military Comparison
With all the hooplah about a possible Israeli attack on Iran (which I view as rather unlikely), it is worthwhile revisiting the issue of how weak and how much of a nothing the Iranian military is compared to powerhouse Israel. Statistics mostly 2011 from Global Firepower. Note that some comparisons are invidious, as with Israeli […]
Hamas Breaks with Syrian Regime
The Muslim Fundamentalist Palestinian party-militia Hamas, based largely in the Gaza Strip has abruptly broken with its long-time patron, Syria. The leadership has scattered from its offices in Syria to elsewhere in the region, especially Egypt and Qatar. Hamas, although considered an international terrorist group by Washington, is actually just a local, organized resistance movement […]
Republicans silent as Netanyahu disses Gen. Dempsey
Courtesy Paul Jamiol For background see this posting and Ian Master’s recent interview with me on this issue
Indian Investigators do not Suspect Iran in Israel Embassy Blast
India has suffered from both Hindu and Muslim terrorist groups. So the attack on an automobile outside the Israeli embassy in New Delhi could easily have been carried out by an Indian group. Israel’s government, a master of spin and propaganda, immediately blamed the bombing on Iran and Hizbullah. But there is no evidence for […]
How an Israeli Strike on Iran could radically weaken Israel
Some colleagues on an email list got me thinking about the worst case scenario of an Israeli air strike on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities, so here is what I came up with. I think each of these scenarios is plausible in its own right, and that all could well ensue. 1. Iran is now threatening […]
Can Obama Prevail against a Romney-Netanyahu Ticket? – Robertson
John Robertson writes in a guest column for Informed Comment CAN OBAMA PREVAIL AGAINST A ROMNEY-NETANYAHU TICKET? Paul Pillar and Leslie Gelb – both of them well-respected and largely mainstream commentators on US foreign policy – have recently published essays cautioning us all – and Mr. Obama especially – to step back, breathe deeply, ask […]