Motasem A Dalloul | – Before forming the current dilapidated government coalition last year, the Israeli occupation state went through four elections in two years. Even after the fourth elections, neither of the Israeli parties has succeeded in winning enough seats in parliament to form a stable one-party government or a strong coalition government. There […]
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Israeli Olympic Gold Medalist Isn’t “Jewish Enough” to Marry in Israel
Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment) – How convenient that the dynamic of sports and politics now collides with the question of “Who is a Jew?”* And just in time for the closing ceremonies of the 2020 Olympics. The prompt for this age-old dialectic comes back to who has a right to marry whom in […]
Israel and the Racial Politics of Palestinian Family Separation
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that on Tuesday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett slammed opposition parties, led by former PM Binyamin Netanyahu, for having voted against renewal of the Family Separation Law for Palestinian-Israelis married to Palestinians. He said that the opposition had done direct damage to Israeli security. The […]
“Chaos” in Israeli Parliament over Apartheid-style Law against Family Unification for Palestinian-Israelis
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Al-Quds Al-Arabi [Arab Jerusalem] reports “chaos” in the Israeli parliament as it debated into the wee hours of Tuesday morning the renewal of a 2003 law that places obstacles to family unification inside Israel of Palestinian-Israelis who marry Palestinians living in the Occupied West Bank or Gaza. Members of parliament […]
The Real Danger of Israel’s New Government
By Phyllis Bennis | – ( Foreign Policy in Focus) – The new Israeli government takes office already largely paralyzed. With eight diverse parties, they agree only on two things. One, they want to get rid of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Check — that’s done. Two, given the unlikeliness of reaching agreement on any major […]
How Israel’s missing constitution deepens divisions between Jews and with Arabs
By Brendan Szendro | – Renewed fighting has erupted again between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, endangering a ceasefire instituted after an 11-day war in May. The conflict in Gaza is an early test of Israel’s new coalition government. Recently, parties across the political spectrum united to remove Israel’s scandal-plagued prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu […]
Israel’s New Secular Government: Lieberman Crows that he Sidelined Fundamentalist Ultra-Orthodox and, read his lips: “No new taxes”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A lot of attention is focused on Naftali Bennett, the new prime minister of Israel. But it should be remembered that he had been a bit player, and his 7 coalition allies are often headed by much more prominent and powerful figures who are in the coalition precisely in order […]
Israel’s New PM Bennett called Evil by Fundamentalist Jewish Parties even as He plans more Expropriation of Palestinians
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The new government of extreme-right Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, set to be approved on Sunday afternoon by the Israeli parliament, has big plans for Occupied Palestine. Nidal Muhammad Watad at the Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Bennett boasts that his government, despite being based on an 8-party coalition that […]
Netanyahu’s Poison Pill: Militant Squatter-Settler March through Palestinian E Jerusalem set for Tuesday after New Israeli Gov’t is Installed
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – At the insistence of outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli cabinet authorized the so-called “Flag Day” march of militant Israeli squatter-settlers through Palestinian East Jerusalem for next Tuesday. So reports Mahmoud Mujadala at the Arab 48 Israeli newspaper. Netanyahu denied charges that his fixation with humiliating Palestinians with […]