By Yoav Galai | (The Conversation) | – – On the evening of Monday September 14, Alex Levlovich was driving back from the Rosh-Hashana Seder, the celebration of the Jewish new year, along the road that separates the Jewish neighbourhood of Armon Hanatziv and the Palestinian neighbourhood of Tsur Bahir in East Jerusalem when the […]
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Aqsa Crisis: PM Netanyahu wants Israeli Forces to use Live Fire against Rock Throwing Demonstrators
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Thousands of demonstrators came out in Jordan on Friday to protest what appears to be a new Israeli assertion of authority over Muslim sacred space in Jerusalem, which includes the third holiest place in the world for Muslims, the al-Aqsa mosque complex. King Abdullah II of […]
Israel has moved 600,000 Squatters onto Palestinian Land in West Bank
By IMEMC News | – – About 600 thousand settlers live in the West Bank and half of them are in Jerusalem district, said the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) in a Thursday press release. Wiki Commons image WAFA correspondence reports that PCBS presented data detailing the distribution of settlements across West Bank districts, […]
Rights group: Israelis have killed nearly 2000 Palestinian children since 2000
Ma’an News Agency | – – BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — More than 1,991 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces and extremists since 2000, according to figures released by an international rights group Thursday. Ongoing settlement building in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank are wedging Palestinian children and their families against “expanding and […]
Activists strip against Israeli separation wall in Bethlehem
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Several foreign activists stripped bare near the Israeli separation wall in the city of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank in refusal of ongoing Israeli policies against Palestinians under military occupation. Photo taken from the Facebook page of Pallasos en Rebeldia Photos of the activists went viral Wednesday among Palestinians on social […]
Ashrawi: “Israel is provoking a global holy war” over Aqsa
By IMEMC News | – – PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi met with [British Consul General to Jerusalem] Dr. Alastair McPhail at the PLO Headquarters in Ramallah, September 14, 2015. Both parties discussed the latest political developments, including Israel’s persistent assaults and escalating incursions and violence on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound (Al-Haram Al-Sharif) […]
Clashes rock Al-Aqsa Compound, 3rd Holiest Muslim Shrine, for 2nd day
Ma’an News Agency | – – JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces and Palestinians clashed for the second consecutive day at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on Monday, with several journalists injured as Israeli forces fired stun grenades and tear gas canisters in the holy site. Ayman Abu Rumouz, a cameraman for Lebanon-based satellite channel al-Mayadeen, was […]
Israel’s Deep Role in Syrian Refugee Crisis: Saga of Yarmouk
By: Ramzy Baroud | (Ma’an News Agency) | – – When Zionist Haganah militias carried out Operation Yiftach, on May 19 1948, the aim was to drive Palestinians in the northern Safad District which had declared its independence a mere five days earlier, outside the border of Israel. The ethnic cleansing of Safad and its […]
‘Bibi in Bible Land’: The Likud Party Miscalculates and loses on Iran Deal
By Shalom L. Goldman | (Informed Comment) | – – Now that the Democratic senators have blocked a challenge to the Iran deal, pundits are looking at what the most persuasive arguments in the presentations to Democratic members of Congress were. What persuaded most Democrats to back the Iran deal, despite the well-funded campaigns against […]