Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – For the first time on Friday, Israeli forces deployed drones to deliver military-grade tear gas at the al-Aqsa Mosque complex in Jerusalem, attacking civilians. Nevertheless, later that day some 150,000 Palestinians gathered at the complex to pray afternoon, sunset and evening prayers and supererogatory (extra) prayers on the third Friday […]
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Middle East
Why the French Election is Haunted by the Ghost of Colonialism in Algeria: Roots of Far-Right Le Pen
By Mustafa Fetouri | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – Whether France is voting, commemorating D-day or debating French identity in terms of Republic Values, Algeria is always present in some way. It is almost impossible to discuss anything of substance in France in which Algeria does not feature and, sometimes, dominates the debate. […]
Putin sees Israel’s Occupation of Palestinians as its and the West’s Achilles Heel on Ukraine Crisis
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Israel’s attempt to stay more or less neutral on Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine is faltering, as the government of Naftali Bennett has come under enormous pressure from the Biden administration to take a stand. But even neutrality would not please Vladimir Putin, who wants the Israelis to back the […]
From Ukraine to Palestine: The Boycotting Double Standard
By Abderrahmane Amor | – ( Middle East Monitor) – It was Putin’s recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent breakaway regions in Eastern Ukraine that paved the way for an all-out Russian invasion of a sovereign Ukraine. Since the beginning of the invasion, we’ve seen a united global boycott of Russian goods, events and […]
Students Society at McGill University must have the Right to Boycott Israel over Human Rights Violations (MESA)
Committee on Academic Freedom, Middle East Studies Association | – Letter to the provost of McGill University Provost Christopher Manfredi Office of the Provost and Vice Principal (Academic) McGill University 845 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 504 Montreal, Quebec H3A OG4 via fax: 514-398-4768 Dear Provost Manfredi: We write on behalf of the Middle East Studies […]
Palestine needs immediate Attention to stave off a major Food Crisis: Ukraine Fall-Out
(Middle East Monitor ) – A young journalist friend of mine in Gaza, Mohammed Rafik Mhawesh, told me that food prices in the besieged territory have rocketed in recent weeks. Already impoverished families are struggling to put food on the table. “Food prices are surging dramatically,” he explained, “particularly since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine […]
Was Jared Kushner the anti-Jon Snow in the Saudi Game of Thrones?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – According to investigative journalist Vicki Ward, Jared Kushner, a minor New York hustler who managed to marry into the Donald Trump crime family, became the anti-Jon Snow in the Saudi game of thrones. That is, he enabled the worst possible ruler to come to power, and got a $2 billion […]
Unlawful Killing in Yemen: Recent Saudi-UAE Attack Targeted Civilians
Human Rights Watch – (Sanaa) – The Saudi and UAE-led coalition carried out three attacks in Yemen in late January 2022 in apparent violation of the laws of war that resulted in at least 80 apparently civilian deaths, including three children, and 156 injuries, including two children, Mwatana for Human Rights and Human Rights Watch […]
Can sanctions ever be just — let alone effective?
( Fellowship of Conciliation/ Waging Nonviolence ) – As a result of its brutal invasion of Ukraine, Russia is now the most sanctioned country in the world, leading one former Obama administration Treasury official to describe the situation as “financial nuclear war.” Western European countries, however, depend on Russian oil and gas, so they have […]