By Tareq A. Ramadan | – (Informed Comment) – The fall of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist dictatorship in March of 2003 was a cataclysmic political event for the Iraqi state. Sixteen years later, the fallout continues to shape and re-shape its political, religious, social, cultural, judicial, and economic life. Over the years, and as a result […]
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Middle East
Israeli Snipers and other Forces have killed 16 Palestinian children since start of 2019
Israeli occupation forces have killed 16 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank and besieged Gaza Strip since the start of 2019, Defence for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) said yesterday. In a report, the rights group said 12 children were killed in Gaza and four in the occupied West Bank. It accused the Israeli occupation forces […]
Iran Crushing Rights just when it Needs understanding in the West: Must Release Prominent Anthropologist
Detention of French-Iranian Anthropologist Confirms Worrying Trend
On the Civil Struggle of Academics in Turkey: The Peace Petition Signers
By Iris Agmon | – On January 2016, a small Turkish organization of activists, Academics for Peace (AfP) called the Turkish government to stop its violent assault against the Kurdish towns and areas of Eastern Turkey and return to peace negotiations with the Kurdish leadership towards resolving the prolonged conflict between the Turkish state and […]
Iran: How Bolton tricked Clueless UK Conservatives into Confrontation with Tehran
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Simon Tisdall at The Guardian explains the difference between Socialist Spain and the disorganized Conservatives in control of UK on foreign policy. US national security adviser John Bolton tried to hoodwink both of them about the Grace I, a Panamanian-flagged oil tanker carrying Iranian petroleum through the Straits of Gibraltar. […]
How US Law Restricting Satellite Imagery of Palestine-Israel Hurts Health, Environmental Research
by Zena Agha | – Bipartisan legislation passed by the US Congress in 1997 limits the quality and availability of satellite imagery of Palestine-Israel. The Kyl-Bingaman Amendment (KBA) to the US National Defense Authorization Act was passed under the pretext of protecting Israel’s national security. It prevents US satellite operators and retailers from selling or […]
Crickets from European Union over Questionable UK Seizure of Iran tanker: With Brexit, London should Get Used to It
By Barry Ryan | – It’s rare to experience silence in this age of political anger and loudness, of bombastic tweets, insulting truths and incredible lies. It’s so unfashionable for a politician to not immediately respond to an event with lightening praise or withering cynicism, that when we hear nothing, it seems as though something […]
Are the Iran-Trump Tanker, Drone incidents in the Strait of Hormuz a Form of Guerrilla War?
By Rockford Weitz | – Tensions between the United States, Iran and other countries are flaring again in the Strait of Hormuz. There are competing explanations for what’s going on in the narrow seaway through which 21% of the world’s crude oil currently passes. Most of the reports of attacked tankers, smuggled oil and downed […]
Does Israel’s Netanyahu need another Gaza War to remain Prime Minister (and out of Jail)?
( Middle East Monitor) Media reports of an impending Israeli war on the besieged Gaza Strip are now a regular occurrence. The frequency of these reports fluctuates based on Israel’s own political landscape. Empirical experience has taught us that when Israeli leaders are in trouble, they wage a war on Gaza. Now that Israeli Prime […]