Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I can barely believe it. Mike Pompeo, who can believe 10 impossible things before breakfast every day, including the impending Rapture and Hilary Clinton’s responsibility for Benghazi, isn’t a complete Trumpbot after all. In private remarks to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that someone recorded and […]
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Middle East
Will Britain Cave to Trump’s Press for Conflict with Iran?
(Informed Comment) – Donald Trump’s military proliferation in the Middle East and further sanctions on Iran, aimed at isolating Tehran, have driven a deeper rift between the United States and the European Union – which opposes such actions. While Washington is ramping up pressure, and some fear that a conflict is drawing closer, the United […]
Hezbollah’s Nasrallah: War on Iran will Endanger US Forces in Region & Kushner Plan for Palestine is “Historic Crime”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Hasan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of Hizbullah (Hezbollah), the Lebanese Shiite party-militia, gave a speech Friday in which he raked the Trump administration’s Middle East policy over the coals. Nasrallah said that the US kept accusing Hizbullah of having factories in Lebanon for the construction of precision rockets. He said his […]
Arab League, GCC Summits Rattled Sabers at Iran but ignored Arab world’s Humanitarian Crises
By Thembisa Fakude | @fakudet | – Saudi Arabia hosted three summits side-by-side this week. Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud hosted the 14th summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Friday. Saudi Arabia exploited the date and place of the OIC meeting to further its agenda, by calling for emergency meetings […]
With Trump Doubling down on Yemen War, Will Congress End Imperial Presidency?
R. Joseph Parrott | – The Trump administration on May 24 announced an emergency declaration to sell billions of dollars worth of arms to Saudi Arabia without congressional approval. This comes just a month after Congress passed legislation demanding the halt of U.S. aid for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen against Houthi rebels loosely aligned […]
Four Things to Watch as Israel goes to New Elections
By Rebecca Stead | – For the second time in a year, Israel is heading to the polls. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – who only two months ago was celebrating a historic fifth term in office – now limps, battered and bruised, into his sixth election campaign, his Teflon image and “Bibi-can-fix-it” reputation severely […]
Saudi King Salman calls at Summit for Int’l Condemnation of Iranian “Terrorism”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The emergency summit of the Arab league just held in Mecca had as it purpose to shore up pan-Arab support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in their war on Yemen, in their conflict with Iran, and in their willingness to negotiate with Jared Kushner over his “deal […]
Troika Fevers: Key American Allies in the Middle East are the Real Tyrants
( – American foreign policy can be so retro, not to mention absurd. Despite being bogged down in more military interventions than it can reasonably handle, the Trump team recently picked a new fight — in Latin America. That’s right! Uncle Sam kicked off a sequel to the Cold War with some of our southern […]
The Missing Palestinian Visual Archive
By Reem Abd Ulhamid | – The Palestinian refugee camps…why do they strive to annihilate them? 1982 Palestinian attempts to create a historical visual narrative have been challenged, contested and destroyed systematically. Battles of self-representation are constantly fought between a Zionist narrative that denies the sheer existence of Palestinian people, thus confiscates, hides and deletes […]