By Heike Schotten | (Ma’an News Agency) | – Well before the advent of the US “War on Terror,” Edward Said wrote: “As a word and concept, ‘terrorism’ has acquired an extraordinary status in American public discourse.” Among other things, Said observed the ways in which “terrorism” functioned to deflect attention away from America’s misdeeds […]
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Middle East
Amira Hass: “Let me be blunt: Gaza is a Huge Concentration Camp”
By Amira Hass / Julie Poucher Harbin | ( ISLAMICommentary) | – – by JULIE POUCHER HARBIN, EDITOR, ISLAMiCommentary Amira Hass, Haaretz correspondent for the Occupied Territories This past Spring Amira Hass, correspondent for Haaretz, spoke at the Forum for Scholars and Publics at Duke University. Hass, an Israeli who has won numerous awards for […]
Why defeating ISIL/ Daesh with military might is starry eyed idealism
By David Alpher | (The Conversation) | – – Just this past weekend of July 4, US-led coalition aircraft targeted the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa in Syria. It was one of the “largest deliberate engagements to date,” said a coalition spokesman, and it was executed “to deny [ISIS] the ability to move military capabilities throughout […]
No Fish for You! Israeli Navy arrests 6 Gazans for Fishing While Palestinian
By Palestinian Center For Human Rights – PCHR | Gaza Report | – – Israeli Naval Forces Continue Chasing Fishermen In The Gaza Strip Sea On Tuesday morning, 7 July 2015, Israeli gunboats chased and opened fire at a Palestinian fishing boats. They also arrested 6 fishermen, and confiscated 3 fishing boats. The Palestinian Center […]
Obama: No more US troops to fight Daesh/ ISIL, but more Training
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – President Obama on Monday went for a briefing at the Pentagon on the fight against Daesh (ISIS, ISIL). In remarks afterwards, he acknowledged that training of Iraqi troops has been going much slower than originally envisaged (about 5,000 have been trained in the past year, and […]
Daesh/ ISIL Marked Women and Children for Death in Syria’s Kobani
Human Rights Watch | (New York) — Armed militants believed to be members of Islamic State, also known as ISIS, deliberately targeted people they knew were civilians in a June 25, 2015, attack in and around the northern Syrian city of Kobani. Syrian Kurdish authorities and local human rights groups said that 233 to 262 […]
Security Zones Being Used to Further Expand West Bank Settlements
By IMEMC | – – “Land confiscated from Palestinians for the purpose of security buffer zones around illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank is actually being utilized as “land reserves or for agriculture,” according to an investigation by Israeli newspaper Haaretz.” The buffer zones were originally created during the Second Intifada [Palestinian Uprising] reportedly […]
Child Labor: A Hidden Atrocity of the Syrian Crisis
By Kanya D’Almeida UNITED NATIONS, Jul 3 2015 (IPS) – In a conflict that has claimed over 220,000 lives and injured a further 840,000 people as of January 2015, it is sometimes hard to see beyond the death toll. What started as a confrontation between pro-democracy activists and the entrenched dictatorship of President Bashar al-Assad […]
Iran’s Nuclear Program was A Child Of Washington in the First Place
By Tony Wesolowsky | (RFE/RL) | – – The start of Iran’s nuclear program can arguably be pegged to December 8, 1953. It was on that date that U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered what was later dubbed his Atoms For Peace speech to the United Nations General Assembly. U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower (right) […]