Belgrade (Special to Informed Comment) – Clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh threaten to destabilize the Caucasus. Turkey and Russia – the major foreign actors in this proxy conflict – are still not directly involved in bloodshed that erupted on September 27, although Ankara openly supports Baku by providing full […]
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Did Trump Throw Kurds under the Bus for Turkey because of his Istanbul Revenue Stream?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The New York Times reported, in the scoop of the decade, that Trump has $420 million in loans and other obligations coming due in the next four years, and that most of his core businesses hemorrhage money, so that he has no way to pay them back. In the past […]
Ginsburg Would Want Women to Fight, Not Despair
By Sophia Paslaski | – ( ) – The late justice dedicated her career to women and other marginalized Americans, and we owe her the same faith she had in us. By Sophia Paslaski | September 23, 2020 In August 1993, the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg took her seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. I […]
Can Turkey’s Feminists prevent withdrawal in name of “Family Values” from Treaty banning Violence against Women?
By Arzu Geybullayeva | – ( ) – A website called Anit Sayac (Turkish for “monument tracker”) indicates the number “276” on its home page at the time of writing this story. It represents the number of women who were murdered in domestic violence attacks in Turkey—just in 2020. The counter is updated every day. […]
Wagging the Dog: As Trump and Iran square off on Venezuela Oil Shipments, will US Go full Pirate of the Gulf?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trita Parsi writing at Responsible Statecraft wonders if the Trump administration is planning to widen its piracy against Iranian vessels on the high seas as part of an October surprise. Trump had four Iranian oil tankers seized in August, alleging that they were heading for Venezuela. The problem? There is […]
As Washington retreats, Eastern Mediterranean conflict further marginalizes NATO
Middle East Monitor – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an alliance in name alone. Recent events notwithstanding, the brewing conflict over territorial waters in the Eastern Mediterranean indicates that the military union between mostly Western countries is faltering. The current Turkish-Greek tension is only one facet of a much larger conflict involving, aside […]
With US AWOL, NATO Allies rattle sabers: Turkish Ruling Party says Greece is now a Rogue State
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Greece and Turkey have been having loud shouting matches this summer, with some pretty ominous language at times. The two are supposed to be NATO allies, but you couldn’t tell it from their bellicose rhetoric. A nationalist Turkish politician, Devlet Bahceli, is quoted as having said of said this past […]
The Fading Allure of the American Passport?
By Özlem Altan Olcay and Evren Balta | – Istanbul (Special to Informed Comment) – The perceived failure of the West in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the current protests against racist police brutality in the United States, screened on TV channels across the world, have reignited one of the most widely […]
Turkey-Greece conflict in eastern Mediterranean is less about gas than vaccuum left by Trump
By Clemens Hoffmann | – The worsening stand-off in the eastern Mediterranean, frequently described as a gas conflict, has been gaining momentum. Yet it is a strange time to be fighting over gas when prices remain in a slump due to weak demand and investors withdrawing. So what explains the escalating conflict between Turkey, Greece, […]