Aljazeera Top Stories | – Aljazeera Top Stories: “TURKEY MAYDAY PROTEST” See also: AJ+: “May Day Protest In Turkey Goes Ahead Despite Ban” For more see Turkey marks tense May Day as police enforce lockdown in central Istanbul
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Men in miniskirts protest against female student death in Turkey
Latest News | – “I would walk around in Taksim wearing a skirt, if you can do that…” For many Turkish men, this is a common phrase they use when they want to assert a claim or make a bet. It has turned into reality when a group of men went to Istanbul’s iconic Taksim […]
How is the Press in the Muslim World covering the Paris Attacks?
By Joanna Paraszczuk | (RFE/RL) — Media in the Muslim world have published a wide variety of reactions to the deadly attack on the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris. In Iran, the morning papers offered very diverse coverage of the event. Although overall coverage was low-key compared to Western media, some […]
Allied Footage of Istanbul from 1915 in WW I
British Pathe | — “Footage from 1915 of Constantinople, in the Ottoman empire (now Istanbul, Turkey), as the allies approach the city during World War One. Tracking shot on the water (Bosporus straits), moving to left. We pass many old buildings, Hagia Sophia, as well as other churches and mosques with domes, minarets, etc. Low […]
Syrian Refugees in Turkey struggle to Cope with Frigid Winter
CCTV | — “As budget shortfalls continue to plague UN relief agencies, the colder weather brings with it further challenges for the millions of Syrian refugees who have fled the war zones in Syria. While some refugee camps inside Syria and Iraq are being equipped with emergency winter kits, including heating stoves, blankets, mattresses and […]
Schoolboy arrested for insulting Turkish president released
Euronews | — “A Turkish teenager who was arrested at his school on Wednesday for allegedly insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been released from police custody. The 16-year-old was met by his parents. His mother said: “I’m not ashamed of my son.” The boy, who has not been named because of Turkish laws that […]
Turkey again goes down Path of the One-Party State
By Erdağ Göknar (Istanbul) | (ISLAMiCommentary) — Erdağ Göknar If we read the recent government-ordered police raids against opposition media in reverse, we can get a better sense of how last year’s bribery and corruption investigation (December 17-25, 2013) — targeting figures connected to Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) — hit close to […]
Threatened by ISIL/Daesh, Kurds Maneuver between Baghdad and Ankara
Iraqi Kurds Seek Greater Balance between Ankara and Baghdad By Mohammed A. Salih ERBIL, Dec 4 2014 (IPS) – After a period of frostiness, Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Turkey seem intent on mending ties, as each of the parties show signs of needing the other. But the Kurds appear more cautious this time […]
Iran-Iraq War 2.0? Iran Flies bombing Raids on Extremists in Iraq
By Juan Cole | — The US Pentagon is confirming that Iranian F-4 fighter jets have flown bombing missions against Daesh or the so-called ‘Islamic State Group’ in Iraq. They helped Iraqi Shiites take the town of Saadiya back from Daesh late last week. That town is in the ethnically and religiously mixed province of […]