Ann Arbor (Special to Informed Comment) – The “China-Virus” mantra illustrates well this administration’s habit of responding to challenges by branding people as ethnic, religious, or political types ranked good or bad, us or them. Not a few have dismissed this practice, rightly, as racist, scapegoating, or just off the point, but the administration’s groupthink […]
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Trumpandemic: Trump Spreads the Germs of Racial Hatred and Xenophobia
Chicago (Special to Informed Comment) – President Donald Trump has systematically focused on a xenophobic rebranding of COVID-19 as a “Chinese virus” to help cover up his disastrous response to the pandemic. In a mistake-filled, zombie-like Oval Office address last week, Trump looked into the camera with sickly eyes and warned Americans of an enemy […]
‘Othered’: Coronavirus fears spur bias against Asian Americans
By Hannah Foote | – LOS ANGELES (Cronkite News) – Dozens of airlines have canceled flights to China in the wake of the novel coronavirus outbreak, but at least one Asian American traveler is skipping his summer trip to the Philippines to avoid a spreading social illness: racism. University of Arizona sophomore Joseph Salvoro made […]
With Visa Ban, has Trump’s US just Lost Nigeria to China?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump and his white nationalist pet Stephen Miller have placed Nigeria on their racist visa ban. But Nigeria is not Chad, and there could be serious repercussions for the United States of slapping around Africa’s most important country. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country at over 200 million persons, and […]
Gatsbyed Half to Death: Is America’s Trump Gilded Age another 9/11?
( – Here’s the question at hand — and I guarantee you that you’ll read it here first: Is Donald Trump the second or even possibly the third 9/11? Because truly, he has to be one or the other. Let me explain, and while I do, keep this in mind: as 2019 ends, thanks to […]
White Anxiety and Imperial Christianity: The GOP Pathologies that Twin them with Trump
( ) – On the Thursday of the second week of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment hearings, former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara had a special guest on his weekly podcast, Carl Bernstein. It was Bernstein, with fellow Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, whose reporting broke open the story of how the Committee to Re-elect the […]
Can Trump’s Systemic Racism be Explained?
( – Racism means a lot more than using slurs or feeling hatred. Yet even in these narrow terms, Trump fits the bill. By Jill Richardson | November 20, 2019 “Is Trump a racist?” I have two answers to that question. First, most white Americans misunderstand racism solely as intentional beliefs held by individual racists […]
“World-Wide Welcome:” No, Cuccinelli, the Statue of Liberty and Lazarus Poem are not about Whiteness
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Chris Cillizza at CNN quotes the interchange between Erin Burnett and Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services, over a new policy that might prevent immigrants who accepted public assistance from ever getting a Green Card and beginning the process of becoming citizens. “BURNETT: I just played […]
Globally and in El Paso, Far-Right Language is Changing, Provoking More Violence
By Arie Perliger | – The recent shooting attack in which a young white man is accused of killing 22 people in a Walmart in El Paso fits a new trend among perpetrators of far-right violence: They want the world to know why they did it. So they provide a comprehensive ideological manifesto that aims […]