Russell Brand | (The Trews) – “Reaction to the media coverage of the Chapel Hill killings last week and the shootings in Copenhagen.” Chapel Hill Vs Copenhagen – Which Is Terrorism? Russell Brand
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The Chapel Hill Shootings & the Troubling Growth of Anti-Muslim Intolerance
By Charles Kurzman | (ISLAMiCommentary) | – People from throughout the Triangle filled the UNC-Chapel Hill Pit Wednesday for the vigil for Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, of Chapel Hill; his wife, Yusor Abu-Salha, 21; and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, of Raleigh. They were shot and killed on Tuesday night. Photo Austin Root/UNC General […]
Old White Men Dominate Sunday Political Shows Yet Again
MediaMatters4America | – [A study of the Sunday political television shows demonstrates that 87% of the single-person interviews are done with white males, and 66% of all interviews are, though white men are only 32% of Americans. Women of color were interviewed 6% of the time, though they’re about a fifth of Americans. White women […]
What Really Caused the Paris Killings? (Gilbert Achcar Interview)
Gilbert Achcar/ Ahmed Shawki | (Socialist Worker) Interview: Gilbert Achcar, SOAS In the aftermath of the massacre at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and the wave of repression and Islamophobia that followed, Achcar talked to Ahmed Shawki in late January about the questions the left in France and internationally need to answer to organize […]
All Lives Matter: from Ferguson to Palestine
By Heike Schotten | (Ma’an News Agency) – In the United States, “Ferguson” — the name of the town where unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was shot to death by police last summer — has become a shorthand name for the free reign given to police officers to murder black people in the streets (and […]
Surprise! German anti-Muslim Leader Resigns after Posing as Hitler
Euronews | — “The leader of the anti-Islamisation PEGIDA organization in Germany has quit after a photo of him posing as Hitler was published in the Bild newspaper, throwing the future of the movement in doubt. Lutz Bachmann resigned with an apology to all those he offended over comments he made on Facebook where he […]
In aftermath of Charlie Hebdo, German Chancellor Merkel says Islam Belongs to Germany
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) The thinly veiled hate group PEGIDA, which says it is against the “Islamization” of Germany (by which it means it wants German to be Muslimrein or purified of Muslims), staged a demonstration of 18,000 in the eastern city of Dresden on Monday, in the wake of the Paris terrorist […]
After Paris attacks, could David Duke style Racist Parties Sweep to Power in Europe?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) — Anti-immigrant sentiment and Islamophobia was already raging through Europe before the Kouashi al-Qaeda Cell targeted the staff of the magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish deli in Paris. Although President Francois Hollande insisted that the attacks had nothing to do with the religion of Islam (and rightly so), […]
French Far Right Poised to Exploit Paris Attacks for Political Gain
By Thomas Scotto | (The Conversation) On the streets of France there is a strong public response to the murders of 12 people at the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. But we do not yet know the medium to long-term consequences the attack will have on the nation’s public mood. We conducted a representative […]