By Tazeen M. Ali, Washington University in St Louis | – As Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims around the world prepare to celebrate the festival of Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of a month of fasting from dusk till dawn and additional acts of worship. On Eid, as in Ramadan, community is an […]
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Disney Targeted on Gay Rights by both DeSantis’ Christian Taliban and Saudi Muslim Obscurantism
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis notoriously just came after the Walt Disney Co. for its opposition, if belated, to his “don’t say gay” legislation forbidding school teachers to mention the subject of gay relationships to children under 9. The act vaguely insists that mentions before children older than that had to […]
Contemporary Muslim Artists continue to adapt Islamic Patterns to challenge Ideas about fixed Culture
By Soheila Kolahdouz Esfahani, Western University | – What is culture? In today’s globalized world, we are familiar with seeing various cultural objects and ornamentation outside of their original location or context. If culture is not fixed and bound to a particular location, how does culture move and transform? Ornamentation in Islamic art — patterned […]
For Easter: The Joyous, Dancing Ascendant Christ in a Love Poem of Hafez
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Just as Good Friday is a time for sober reflection and grief at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, so Easter Sunday is a time for blissful celebration at his rising from the dead and his ascension into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. In keeping […]
The Israeli Attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque is not Local but an Insult to Muslims Worldwide
Ismail Patel | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – Masjid Al-Aqsa has been in danger since the Israeli Occupation of East Jerusalem began in 1967. Since the occupation, the Israeli authorities have allowed Israeli extremists to intimidate and violate the sanctity of Masjid Al-Aqsa. However, in the past decade, the attacks on Masjid Al-Aqsa […]
Whoever Wins France’s Election, its Muslims Fear Islamophobia has Become Endemic
By Rayan Freschie | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – As the French election looms on the horizon, Muslims in France are less interested in who will become president, instead of turning their concerns to the systemic Islamophobia that envelops all candidates, underpinning the entire political system. The structural nature of anti-Muslim persecution in […]
Timbuktu Manuscripts Online promise to re-balance the African Continent’s place in World intellectual History
By Charles C. Stewart, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | – The ancient Timbuktu manuscripts of Mali were back in the headlines following internet giant Google’s initiative to host a collection of them at an online gallery. The images of the documents, text in Arabic, can be found at a page called Mali Magic. No […]
Why did a far-right Israeli Parliamentarian storm into the Sacred Al-Aqsa Mosque?
By Nabil Al-Sahli | – ( Middle East Monitor ) – A far-right member of the Israeli parliament stormed into the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque last Thursday. Extremist Itamar Ben-Gvir was guarded by a heavy police presence at the time. His incursion fell within the context of Israel’s long-term strategic political goal to Judaise occupied […]
Israeli Archeologists find Proof of Muslim-Christian Ecumenism among Crew of Shipwreck from Dawn of Islam
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Ariel David writing at Haaretz reports on Haifa University marine archeologists who have been investigating a shipwreck that sank off the coast of early Muslim-ruled Palestine sometime between 648 and 740 A.D. The find provides some evidence for the economic robustness of this era, and for strong connections between the […]