Euronews: ‘ “A woman should not laugh in front of everyone. She should protect her honour.” These were the words which landed Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc in deep water this week.’ Euronews: “Turkey’s Women have the last Laugh” To be fair, Arinc used a word (kahkaha) that more means guffaw than laugh. But […]
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In Orgy of Destruction, IS Radicals reduce Ancient Iraqi Holy Sites To Rubble
By RFE/RL The Islamic State initially exhibited some restraint after entering northwestern Iraq in June, focusing on establishing control of the territories it held and gaining the trust of local Sunni communities. But as the self-declared caliphate has grown more comfortable in its surroundings, it has revealed its radical aims by destroying anything that conflicts […]
The Persecution of Christians by ISIS contradicts idea of a Caliphate
By Erica C D Hunter, SOAS, University of London – via The Conversation ISIS conquests across northern Iraq have been comprehensive in recent weeks. Taking control of large parts of the region, they declared a Caliphate last month. And one group who have especially suffered at their hands are the Christians that have been a […]
Jews and Arabs Refuse to be Enemies: Social Media Campaign
“A social media campaign calls for peace between Jews and Arabs, CNN’s Samuel Burke explains.” Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies Here are some Tweets from the campaign: The #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies social media campaign goes viral. I love this pic! #lovenothate #peace #friends — Stephen ☩ (@RevStephenSorby) July 26, 2014 A lot of hashtags […]
Could States Rights & Decentralization Save Iraq?
niqash | Mustafa Habib | Baghdad | How can a country like Iraq – with its different sects, religions and ethnicities – be governed appropriately? Some are now suggesting that giving all of Iraq’s provinces the powers they were granted by a law amended mid-2013 could be a way out of the current crisis. Local […]
Iraq: Christians Say Terror Drove Them From Mosul
By Abdul Hamid Zebari via RFE/RL Rawan Jinan, a 25-year-old Iraqi Christian, says when she received an order on June 18 to leave Mosul within 24 hours, she could not believe her eyes. The order came in the form of a letter delivered to every Christian home by the Islamic State, formerly known as the […]
The Pretender-Caliph and Islamic History: The Truth about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
By Asma Afsaruddin So Muslims of the twenty-first century have a caliph, do they? According to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the abolition of the caliphate in 1924 has now been reversed and the institution has been revived after an interregnum of ninety years. The new caliph is even called Abu Bakr, […]
Gaza’s Children Trapped by Israeli Airstrikes, Naval Bombardment, over 20 Dead
By Sarah Lazare As the human rights crisis grows more acute in this besieged strip, the number of dead and injured children continues to rise As Israeli fighter jets, attack helicopters, and armed drones continue to pummel Gaza for a fourth day, children—who comprise half of the population of this besieged strip—face mounting wounds and […]
Iraq: Al-Baghadi Criticizes Wealthy Gulf Leaders, as Russia, Iran, Gun for Him
By: Sami Kleib There was no mention of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s speech. However, he did make a statement that Gulf leaders should not take lightly. He said: “I do not promise you prosperity and security the way kings and leaders promise their followers and subjects…” This criticism of kings […]