Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Saudi archeologist Muhammad al-Maghthawi has published a photograph of an inscription in the vicinity of Medina that seems to be the first to mention the Prophet’s third wife, `A`isha. It seems to date from the first century of the Muslim era (A. H.), and is probably from the late […]
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The Qur’an, the Prophet, and a Forgotten History – Juan Cole in conversation with Hamza Yusuf
From the podcast of the journal Renovatio: Journal of Zaytuna College. Juan Cole’s Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires (2018) retells the history of the prophetic period in seventh-century Arabia through the context of a brutal war between the Iranian Sassanian Empire and the Roman Empire in the Near East. In this […]
Glowing Review of Cole’s “Muhammad: Prophet of Peace” in “American Diplomacy”
Career foreign service officer, Benjamin Tua, who served in Brazil, Japan and Muslim-majority countries such as Kyrgyzstan, reviews my new book Muhammad: Prophet of Peace amid the Clash of Empires for American Diplomacy. Tua writes, that it “is perfect for the reader who knows little about Mohammad’s life and origins as a member of a […]
Juan Cole on the Prophet Muhammad in War and Peace (Emir-Stein Center Video)
Emir-Stein Center | Juan Cole on Muhammad | – Click below to go to YouTube and watch a 7-minute video–with maps, historical graphics and animation– where I summarize my new book, Muhammad: Prophet of Peace amid the Clash of Empires: Here’s the link for the video: Emir-Stein Center presents Juan Cole on the Prophet Muhammad […]
Dawn Newspaper: Contextualizing the Dawn of Islam: Glowing Review of Cole’s Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires
Hachette Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires By Juan Cole Bold Type Books, US ISBN: 978-1568587837 336pp. By Taha Ali | – (Dawn) – Every once in a while, if we are lucky, we get a book which brings the early days of Islam alive for us in a way that is […]
Very Early Muslim Piety toward the Prophet Muhammad: Blessings and Intercession
The great scholar Annemarie Schimmel quoted Arthur Jeffrey, the Australian scholar of Islam, to this effect: “Many years ago . . . the late Shaikh Mustafa al-Maraghi remarked on a visit to his friend, the Anglican bishop in Egypt, that the commonest cause of offence, generally unwitting offence, given by Christians to Muslims, arose from […]
Headcanon: Review of Juan Cole, “Muhammad: Prophet of Peace” at Northwest Progressive Institute
David A. Johnson has written, for The Cascadia Advocate (a project of the Northwest Progressive Institute), a review of my new book on the Prophet Muhammad: Muhammad: Prophet of Peace amid the Clash of Empires, published October 9, 2018 Available at Barnes and Noble And Nicola’s Books in Ann Arbor And Hachette And Amazon Here […]
The Prophet’s Tribe: The First Mention of Quraysh in an Inscription from the Dawn of Islam
The Qur’an, the Muslim scripture, speaks of the Quraysh as a tribe that engaged in travel and worshiped at a shrine. Qur’an 106, “Quraysh,” says, Because of his benevolence toward the Quraysh they were enabled to undertake the winter and summer caravans. So let them worship the lord of this shrine, who provided them with […]
Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Light dominate the Qur’an
339 – Times words from the root for mercy and compassion (rhm) occur