Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In a largely party-line vote by 233-183, the House of Representatives voted Wednesday to overturn Trump’s Muslim ban, according to Hassan Abbas at The Arab American News. The floor debate was presided over by Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Michigan), and the final vote was presided over by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan). […]
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Biden: Muslim Americans took full Brunt of Vile Trump Hatred of Minorities; Pledges to Reverse Muslim Ban
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Joe Biden addressed the Million Muslim Votes organization on Monday. In the context of the extreme hatred for Muslims of the Trump administration and the wider Trump movement, his remarks were crucially significant but probably won’t be noticed on cable news. Biden said in part, “I wish we taught more […]
Does anti-Muslimism enable anti-Semitism?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The outbreak of violence in the past week by two far right extremists, one of them a big Trump fan and the other inspired by Trump talking points but somewhat to the president’s right, has been deeply entangled with violence against minorities. Cesar Sayoc, the would-be pipe bomber, targeted billionaire […]
Trump and the American Fearscape as Hell for Muslim-Americans
By Nate Terani | ( | – – Understand this: I’m an American veteran. I’m also a Muslim-American in a country in which, in these years, that hasn’t exactly been the happiest category to fall into. Now, let me tell you a little story. Recently, I had an ominous dream. It was noon on […]
Ignoring White Supremacists, Trump Smears Immigrants as Terrorists
By Arnold R. Isaacs | ( | – – When you see an immigrant or a foreign visitor, especially from a Muslim country, should your first thought be that you might be looking at a possible terrorist? Clearly, that’s how the Trump administration wants Americans to react. It was the message in the president’s […]
Trump’s Criminalization of Muslims goes beyond Travel Ban
Basima Sisemore | (The Conversation) | – – On Jan. 19, a year after President Donald Trump’s first travel ban was issued, the Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments against the latest third version signed by Trump on Sept. 24, 2017. This version remains in full effect. Under the ban, nationals from eight countries are […]
Many in Press fall for Trump’s non-apology on retweet of anti-Muslim Hate
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – In the course of Trump’s softball interview with his friend Piers Morgan, he said he’d be willing to apologize for retweeting three tweets by a member of a British far right racist group, Britain First, which has about 1,000 members. Guardian: “‘I would certainly apologise’: Trump […]
Trumpist UK Thugs waving US Flags try to Apprehend London’s Muslim Mayor
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – London Mayor Sadiq Khan was about to begin a speech on gender equality to the leftist Fabian Society when he was interrupted by British Trumpist hooligans shouting that they intended to make a citizen’s arrest of the mayor. After a while, during which Khan leafed through […]
Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ Backfires, Improves Attitudes Toward Them
TeleSur | – – A recent study shows the U.S. “Muslim ban” became unpopular among U.S. voters after its implementation, media coverage contributed to shift. Political scientists revealed that public opinion on the so-called Muslim ban has shifted after a nationwide debate on immigration, racism and religion in the U.S. was sparked as a result […]