By Sam Heller | ( RFE/RL) | – – As the extremist group Islamic State (IS) and its rival Al-Qaeda have captured pieces of Iraq, Syria, and other countries in the region, they have had to balance their global aims with the specific local concerns of the communities under their control. Al-Qaeda’s latest attempt to […]
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Jabhat al-Nusra
Not the Onion: US asks Russia not to Bomb al-Qaeda in Syria
TeleSur | – – The Russian foreign minister said his Washington counterpart asked Moscow not to target the extremist groups out of fear of hitting moderate rebels. The United States has asked Russia not to target al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria the Nusra Front arguing that airstrikes by Moscow could also hit other rebel groups, Russian […]
ISIS and Israel on the Golan Heights
By Sam Brennan | ( Open Democracy ) | – – The Yarmouk Valley is run by ISIS – and left alone by Israel. This is a testament to the complex, cynical and calculated machinations of the actors in this conflict. There is a strange relationship between Israel and a small sect of the Islamic […]
Al-Qaeda’s Al-Zawahiri, 9/11 Mastermind, Plays Syrian Politics
By Sam Heller | ( RFE/RL ) | – – When the self-proclaimed Islamic State declared the establishment of a global Muslim “caliphate” in 2014, the move accelerated a race for legitimacy within the international jihadist movement. IS’s rival Al-Qaeda — which had long held out a righteous Islamic state as a far-off ideal, not […]
Al-Zawahiri Supports Syrian al-Qaeda, calls for more global Volunteers
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Al-Qaeda central leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, a mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, DC, has issued a new audio tape. In it, he said that the only successful revolution launched in 2011 in the Arab world was the Syrian, because it followed the […]
A Tale of Two Cities: Muslim Rebels strike back at Hospital in Gov’t held West
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment)| – – Muslim fundamentalist rebels, including al-Qaeda, took revenge Tuesday on West Aleppo for the heavy government bombardment of East Aleppo that has killed dozens in the past week, including at a hospital run by Doctors without Borders. At the same time that the government was bombarding the slums […]
Al-Qaeda Everywhere: US support for Oppressive Gov’t’s made Bin Laden’s Killing Moot
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The US government has never understood insurgency for the most part. Smart USG officials with whom I’ve interacted have had a firm belief that leadership is a rare quality and that you can attrite an organization by killing its leaders. This theory is patently false. It […]
Syria: Is al-Qaeda rising as ISIL is rolled Back? Is the US de facto Allied with it?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The cessation of hostilities in Syria never included Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) or al-Qaeda (the Nusra Front or Support Front), but it did include some of the de facto allies of al-Qaeda. The Syrian Arab Army and its Shiite militia allies, with Russian air support, have taken […]
Syrian independent media offers bold challenge to extremism
By Julia Taleb | ( Waging Nonviolence ) | – – On January 10, the Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group in Syria, stormed the headquarters of Radio Fresh in Kafranbel and arrested its director Raed al-Fares and journalist Hadi Abdullah. The flag of the Syrian revolution was thrown on the floor and al-Nusra members […]