Link Exchange Courtesy Link Exchange for Informed Comment Acid Test. Politics and science. Against the War on Terror. Amicus For Peace. Christian, Jewish and Muslim Dialogue. Ansonia Ventures. Political images. Baker Muckraker. Political comment. The Blue State: The Daily State of Democracy in America. The Brand New Bag. Political comment. Bustard Blog. A Place to […]
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Blogroll Political Journalism Talking
Blogroll Political Journalism Talking Points Memo – Joshua Micah Marshall (Progressive politics, elegantly argued.) Air America (Progressive Web Site with Radio Stream) Huffington Post. Helena Cobban – Just World News (Veteran journalist, Middle East) The Global Beat: Resources for the Global Journalist (Tom Engelhardt, The Nation Institute) Majority Report Sam Seder and Janeane Garofalo […]
Iraqi Army Not Ready For At Least Two
Iraqi Army Not Ready for at Least Two Years Zarqawi’s group rejects Talabani Parlay Offer Violence in Iraq on Sunday left 2 American and one British soldier dead, along with some 12 Iraqis, bringing the weekend death toll to around 120. An Iraqi poll suggests that a great many Iraqis want Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari […]
Zarqawi Rip It Just Does Not Matter If
Zarqawi RIP? It just does not matter if Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead. US troops searched a house in Mosul where guerrillas took their own lives rather than be captured for signs that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi might be among the dead. A later US press release said that it doubted that al-Zarqawi had been killed. […]
More Than 50 Dead In Saturday Bombings
More than 50 Dead in Saturday Bombings Guerrillas killed 5 GIs and wounded 5 others in Baiji on Saturday with roadside bombs. They also blew up a market in southern Baghdad near the Diyalah Bridge, killing 13 and wounding 20. At a funeral in a town northeast of Baghdad for a man killed by suicide […]
Conversation Between Sunni Muslim And
Conversation between a Sunni Muslim and a SCIRI Leader Gilbert Achcar kindly writes: “AN EXCHANGE BETWEEN SUNNI MUSLIMS AND A SCIRI LEADER On the occasion of the Iraqi conference to be held in Cairo under the auspices of the League of Arab states, IslamOnline—a website related to the pan-Islamic (Sunni) Muslim Brotherhood—invited Dr. Ali al-Adad, […]
What To Do If This Page Is Old Readers
What to Do if this Page is Old Readers sometimes have difficulty seeing recent postings. There are always recent postings. If your browser is showing a posting from several days ago, that is an error. The first and best thing to do in this situation is to push the “refresh” or “reload” button on your […]
Straw Man Resolution In Congress
Straw Man Resolution in Congress: Joking around with the Lives of the Troops Brad Blog gives the text of Democratic congressman and retired Marine Colonel John Murtha’s resolution on Iraq: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of American in Congress assembled, That: Section 1. The deployment […]
Dozens Dead In Another Black Friday
Dozens Dead in another Black Friday Shiite Worshippers Massacred Suicide bombers went into two Shiite religious centers [Husayniyyahs] in Khaniqin northeast of Baghdad on Friday at the time of noon Friday prayers in congregation, and detonated their bombs. The death toll as of late Friday was being reported as 82 in the Western wire services. […]