Iraq faces Bitter Winter without enough Kerosene Iraq will need half a billion liters of kerosene this winter, according to a Reuters report, but only has managed to accumulate a quarter of a billion. The US has the responsibility to ensure the welfare of the Iraqi people, and the Coalition Provisional Authority is making arrangements […]
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Alnasrawi Privatization Is Wrongheaded
Alnasrawi: Privatization is Wrongheaded The eminent Iraqi-born economist Abbas Alnasrawi of the University of Vermont has written a wide-ranging argument against the immediate privatization of state-owned industries by the American administration of Iraq. He argues that such policies should have waited for an elected Iraqi government, which would have the legitimacy to implement them thoughtfully, […]
You Will All Be Following In Other News
You will all be following in other news sources the story of the downed Blackhawk helicopter and further US casualties. I’m at a conference and so I’ll just report here some items that might not make the US newspapers or might not be highlighted.
Multinational Troops Hit In Iraq Polish
Multinational Troops Hit in Iraq; Polish Officer, 6 Ukrainians Wounded The Polish military announced Friday that the multinational force under its command, which includes Bulgarians, Kazakhstanis, Spanish, Ukrainians, Dominicans, etc., patrolling the south-center part of the country, was the target of 36 attacks on Thursday, resulting in the killing of a high Polish officer and […]
Number Of Iraqi Pilgrims To Mecca Will
Number of Iraqi Pilgrims to Mecca will Double The Islamic Foundations Board of Iraq announced that it would double the number of Iraqis permitted to undertake the pilgrimage to Mecca this year. It is authorizing 50,000 pilgrims to go this year, as opposed to 25,000 last year under the Baath. The Board also removed the […]
Sunni Fundamentalists Protest Arrests
Sunni Fundamentalists Protest arrests of Clergy 500 Sunni Islamists demonstrated in the streets of Baghdad on Friday, representing the Higher Islamic Institute and other Muslim groups, and demanding the release of Sunni clergymen imprisoned by the Americans. They prayed on the street before the Coalition HQ. Shaykh Abd al-Sattar al-Janabi announced after he had sought […]
Islamic Party Of Iraq Meets With Syrian
Islamic Party of Iraq Meets with Syrian President The Secretary General of the Sunni, Iraqi “Islamic Party,” Muhsin Abd al-Hamid, met yesterday with Bashar al-Asad, the president of Syria, in Damascus. Al-Asad’s office issued a communiqué afterwards affirming Syria’s empathy with the Iraqi people and its commitment to working for the continued unity of Iraq, […]
Egyptian Held In Najaf Assassination
Egyptian Held in Najaf Assassination Attempt The Iraqi Information Network announced that the local police in Najaf had apprehended one of the assailants who attempted to assassinate the mayor of Najaf. Informed sources said that he was an Egyptian, according to al-Sharq al-Awsat. The chief judge of Najaf was assassinated last week.
Radical Shiite Leaders Moderate Stance
Radical Shiite leaders Moderate Stance toward US Nir Rosen reports that Muhammad Yaqoubi, leader of the breakaway Sadrist group, al-Fudala, has moderated his anti-American statements lately, following Muqtada al-Sadr’s conciliatory communiqué of last Friday. Behind the scenes, the US is clearly using a set of carrots and sticks to reduce the tension with these ayatollahs […]