References “Clark: Bush Should Face Inquiry” jhtml?xml=/news/2003/10/04/wclark04. xml&sSheet=/portal/2003/10/04/ixportaltop.html Robin Wright and Maggie Farley, “US Tries,” complete/la-fg-chalabi3oct03,1,1966418. story?coll=la-iraq-complete Robin Wright, “Iran May Assist” la-fg-usiran4oct04-1,1,6759673.story? coll=la-home-headlines Goldenberg, “A Land Ruled by Chaos” Story/0,2763,1055766,00.html
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4 Us Soldiers Wounded In Iraq Two Us
4 US soldiers wounded in Iraq Two US soldiers were wounded in a firefight in Falluja on Thursday, in which some civilians were also injured. Guerrillas in Kirkuk set off six explosions, using mortars or rocket-propelled grenades. They wounded two US soldiers. Then two suicide bombers set off another two explosions. Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez […]
Unfortunate Says Rumsfeld Kay Mission
“Unfortunate,” Says Rumsfeld; Kay Mission Fails David Kay reports a failure to find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and asks for $600 mn. to allow him to go back with a team and look more. The old American saying, no use throwing good money after bad, applies here. Kay says he has evidence […]
Cia Spy Case Blaming Victim Lies And
CIA Spy Case: Blaming the Victim The Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them Machine has been revved up against Ambassador Joe Wilson for daring dispute the Bush administration. Attempts are being made to tag Wilson as a leftie Democrat with an axe to grind against Bush. But Wilson served under Republican as well […]
Chalabi Outlines Goals Of New Iraqi
Chalabi Outlines Goals of New Iraqi Government Addressing the UN, Iraqi member of the US-appointed Interim Governing Council Ahmad Chalabi laid out his vision of a new Iraqi government. Chalabi said that, “The pillars of this system are, first, a separation of powers,by writing a constitutional framework that ensures noninterference between the judicial, legislative, executive […]
More You Watch Less You Know Americans
The More you Watch, the Less You Know Americans who watch Fox Cable News are more likely to hold at least one of three major misconceptions about the Iraq war, according to a major poll done by the Program on International Policy Attitudes of the University of Maryland in College Park, and the polling firm, […]
Igc Forbids Parties To Interfere In
IGC Forbids Parties to Interfere in Government Appointments The Interim Governing Council on Thursday prohibited political parties from intervening in the appointment process in government ministries. Political Parties are not to open offices or hold party meetings on the premises of any of the Ministries. (Usually things are only forbidden if they are actually already […]
Two Us Soldiers Killed Four Wounded
Two US Soldiers Killed, Four Wounded Guerrillas in Tikrit set off a bomb near the entrance of the 4th Infantry Division base on Wednesday, killing a female US soldier and wounding three others. In the well-off Mansour District of Baghdad, a guerrilla shot two US soldiers with a small caliber handgund, killing one and ounding […]
Bush White Houses Outing Of Cia
Bush White House’s Outing of CIA Operative Serious I find journalist Robert Novak’s defense of his naming of a CIA operative on July 14 unconvincing and, indeed, rather sickening. Novak now says he did not know that the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson was a covert operative who ran agents. This assertion isn’t plausible, since […]