The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister (Igor Ivanov) is in Iraq, and reiterated his government’s opposition to a US strike on that country. He implied that the US has been lobbying the other members of the UN Security Council to go along. (France is also opposed, so far). Ivanov did, however, urge Iraq to bring back […]
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Mcneill Meets Ismail Khan And
McNeill meets Ismail Khan; and Development Aid The fighting between ethnic Tajiks (Sunni Persian speakers) around the northwestern city of Herat with ethnic Pushtuns brought a visit from the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Lt. Gen. Dan K. McNeill. He met with Herat’s governor/ warlord Ismail Khan, offering US good offices in ending the […]
Bush Appointee Brings Up Concentration
A Bush Appointee Brings up Concentration Camps for American Muslims The comments of Peter Kirsanow, a Bush appointee to the US Civil Rights commission, in Detroit over the past weekend are beyond belief. He openly brought up the possibility that if there were another big al-Qaida strike on the US, Muslim Americans could be put […]
Al Qaida Continues To Recruit Sunday
Al-Qaida Continues to Recruit The Sunday Times reported on 7/21 that British intelligence now estimates that some 4,000 Muslims with British citizenship passed through al-Qaida training camps, many of them having fought in Afghanistan, Chechnya or the Balkans before returning to the UK. Previous estimates had been 80 or so. If true, this report indicates […]
Turkey And Iraq Although Turkey Is
Turkey and Iraq Although Turkey is rumored to have acquiesced in a US attack on Iraq, assuming it is paid billions of dollars up front for its economic losses on the Iraq front, it is clear that substantial questions remain in the minds of Turkish politicians about this course. Given the instability of the current […]
Chronicle Of Higher Education July 24
The Chronicle of Higher Education July 24, 2002 [Online Edn. July 16] Why We Should Not Boycott Israeli Academics By JUAN COLE OPINION: THE CALL for an academic boycott of Israel is misguided, writes Juan Cole, a Middle East specialist at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Many Israeli academics support the struggling peace […]
It’s Time for Sharon to Go
History News Network ( )7-08-02: News Abroad——————————————————————————– It’s Time for Sharon to Go Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has reoccupied the West Bank in response to terrorist attacks from Palestinian radicals, putting the entire population under a grueling curfew. In April, Human Rights Watch accused the Israeli army of extensive violations of international law […]
Afghanistan Ansari Article In Payam I
Afghanistan: Ansari article in Payam-i Mujahid The most recent Payam-i Mujahid, the organ of the Afghan Jami`at-i Islami (a major stream in the “Northern Alliance”) carries an article by Bashir Ahmad Ansari on the history of absolutism in Islam. The article begins with an assertion that consultative (mashvirat) government and voting were normative in very […]
Date Mon 8 Jul 2002 081210 0400 Edt To
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 08:12:10 -0400 (EDT) To: Gulf2000 More on the split among radical Islamists The Islamic Group leadership in prison recently issued a formal apology for its past acts of terrorism against the Egyptian people, including the assassination of Sadat, and condemned the September 11 attacks as contrary to Islam in a […]