William J. Astore | ( Tomdispatch.com ) | – – America’s war in Afghanistan is now in its 16th year, the longest foreign war in our history. The phrase “no end in sight” barely covers the situation. Prospects of victory — if victory is defined as eliminating that country as a haven for Islamist terrorists […]
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US Foreign Policy
All of Putin’s / Trump’s Men
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The NYT has broken the story that several Trump associates are under investigation by the FBI for their contacts with Russian intelligence and other officials during the 2016 presidential campaign. These contacts worried the FBI and other intelligence agencies, given that they were seeing Russian hacking […]
Could Trump’s War of Words with China turn Hot?
By Rajan Menon | ( Tomdispatch.com) | – – Forget those “bad hombres down there” in Mexico that U.S. troops might take out. Ignore the way National Security Adviser Michael Flynn put Iran “on notice” and the new president insisted, that, when it comes to that country, “nothing is off the table.” Instead, focus for […]
As 100K Iranians Protest Trump; some thank Americans for defending Muslims
TeleSur | – – Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied on Friday to swear allegiance to their clerical leaders and reject U.S. President Donald Trump’s warning that he had put the Islamic Republic “on notice,” state TV reported. On the anniversary of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution that toppled the U.S.-backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, marchers […]
Here we go Again: Trump Admin Threatens Iran
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – National Security Advisor Mike Flynn came out on Wednesday to make a brief statement putting Iran “on notice.” Flynn complained about Iran’s ballistic missile tests, about a Yemeni Houthi attack on a Saudi naval vessel in the Red Sea (maintaining that it was ‘Iran-backed’) and about […]
Trump Is Carpet-Bombing . . . U.S. Foreign Policy
By Phyllis Bennis | ( Foreign Policy in Focus ) | – – Already Trump is super-charging U.S. militarism, gutting diplomacy, and punishing the victims of wars Washington started. Very soon, Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order regarding refugees and entry to the U.S. for a whole swathe of people. In effect, […]
Screwed?: 4 Top International Crises we have to depend on Trump to Resolve
By Michael T. Klare | ( Tomdispatch.com) | – – Within months of taking office, President Donald Trump is likely to face one or more major international crises, possibly entailing a risk of nuclear escalation. Not since the end of the Cold War has a new chief executive been confronted with as many potential flashpoints […]
Informed Comment Fundraiser Success- with Profound thanks
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Many, many thanks to everyone who contributed during the annual IC Fundraiser! I’m bowled over by your generosity, and pledge to keep Informed Comment at the cutting edge of analysis of both foreign and domestic policy! Am enclosing a photo I took last fall in Istanbul […]
Muslim Shockwaves as New Congress’ Bill seeks all Jerusalem for Israeli Colonization
TeleSur | – – Three U.S. senators introduced a bill calling for U.S. embassy to be relocated to Jerusalem and recognizing city as Israeli capital. As it convened for the first Tuesday of the New Year, the new U.S. Congress made one of its primary orders of business the introduction of a bill to move […]