Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Although former president Trump claims to have avoided starting any new wars, he in fact put the US on a war footing in the greater Middle East, and significantly increased the number of US troops in the region. He tried to strangle Iran economically and assassinated one of its foremost […]
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US Foreign Policy
How will Biden react to Putin arresting Navalny in Russia?
Belgrade (Special to Informed Comment) – While the US remains preoccupied with the upcoming Joe Biden inauguration, Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny was detained at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo Airport upon his return to Russia from Germany, where he had spent five months after he was allegedly poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok. A Moscow judge has […]
The Rubble of Empire: Doctrines of Disaster and Dreams of Security as the Biden Years Begin
( ) – How can you tell when your empire is crumbling? Some signs are actually visible from my own front window here in San Francisco. Directly across the street, I can see a collection of tarps and poles (along with one of my own garbage cans) that were used to construct a makeshift […]
In Shadows, SecState Mike Pompeo passed ‘Death Sentence’ for Millions in Yemen and poisoned Biden’s well in Cuba, China, Iran
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who styles himself a Christian gentleman, has according to United Nations officials just passed a death sentence on hundreds of thousands or millions of Yemenis by designating the ruling Helpers of God government of North Yemen a “Foreign Terrorist Organization.” The Saudi-UAE War on little […]
After the Attempted Coup in Washington, Americans should rethink overthrowing other peoples’ Governments
Greenville, SC (Special to Informed Comment) – Now that the disastrous Trump presidency is over, there is much hope placed in Joseph Biden. But it may be misplaced if the American people do not reckon with themselves. We all hated the images from the Washington Capitol a few days ago, and we heard words like […]
Top Three Ways Biden can get us out of Forever Wars
Greenville, SC (Special to Informed Comment) – Upon the beginning of his presidency, Donald Trump showed eagerness to meet with Russia’s Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Predictably, Democrats condemned the president’s engagement with these “dictators.” The criticism was hypocritical. If it would have been the Democrats’ president engaging in such moves towards […]
After fascist Capitol Insurrection, German Liberals don’t want to be “Led” by the U.S.A.
In the wake of the white nationalist mob takeover of the U.S. Capitol and Trump’s pending second impeachment, I contacted journalists and activists overseas to get an idea of how the rest of the world currently views us. Among other questions, I asked what issue Americans should be aware of that U.S. politicians and mainstream […]
‘So Frustrated’: Iranians’ Fears Skyrocket That They Won’t Get Access To COVID-19 Vaccines
( RFE/ RL ) – Amid the launch of mass COVID-19 vaccination drives in the West, there’s growing concern among Iranians that they could be left behind. They fear U.S. sanctions and what some regard as the Iranian clerical establishment’s failure to prioritize the well-being of its citizens. Iranians, including health workers, have taken to […]
The Arrogance of Superpower: Trump will “Let” Iranians import Coronavirus Vaccine
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump has given Iran permission to buy the coronavirus vaccine, according to Sharif Nizam Mafi, the head of the Iran-Switzerland join chamber of commerce. Take a moment to let the enormity of this statement sink in. The United States of America will let Iran have the coronavirus vaccine? Iran has […]