Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Senate will take up a measure to forbid Trump to go to war with Iran without Congressional approval, writes Daniel Flatley at Bloomberg. Republican senators Mike Lee, Susan Collins and Rand Paul are joining with Democratic senator Tim Kaine in sponsoring the bill. With the support of those Republicans, […]
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The Senate Refused to do its Duty in Impeachment, but the American People Can Still do Theirs
By Diallo Brooks | – ( – Hours before the House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump for using the power of his office to sabotage our elections, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) gave a passionate speech on the House floor emphasizing that his colleagues’ duty with their pending votes was far more than political — it […]
This is how ancient Rome’s republic died – a classicist sees troubling parallels at Trump’s impeachment trial
By Timothy Joseph | – The U.S. Senate has made its judgment in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, acquitting the president. Fifty two of 53 senators in the Republican majority voted to acquit the president on the abuse of power charge and all 53 Republican senators voted to acquit on the obstruction of […]
Sen. Mitt Romney’s Historic Speech Explaining Why he Voted to Impeach and Remove Trump
Sen. Mitt Romney’s remarks on the impeachment vote on Wednesday are below. He voted to convict Trump and remove him from office, and was the only Republican senator to so vote. It was a profile in courage. “Sen. Mitt Romney’s full speech announcing he will vote to convict Trump” The Constitution is at the foundation […]
The Senate’s Make-Believe Trial of Donald Trump
( – In my 40 years as a lawyer, I’ve never seen a trial flout the basic requirements for fairness so brazenly. By Mitchell Zimmerman | January 28, 2020 President Trump is on trial. As in a real trial, charges have been asserted: the House alleges high crimes and misdemeanors. A judge presides: Chief Justice […]
When the Senate Refused to Call Witnesses, it Contravened the Founders’ intent for Impeachment
By Clark D. Cunningham | – Senators will soon decide whether to dismiss the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump without hearing any witnesses. In making this decision, I believe they should consider words spoken at the Constitutional Convention, when the Founders decided that an impeachment process was needed to provide a “regular examination,” […]
How to Prevent Trump’s Masked Monarchy
By Martin Powers | – Ann Arbor (Special to Informed Comment) – Even before impeachment proceedings began, online bloggers recognized a penchant for monarchical or autocratic pretensions in the Trump Whitehouse. Thomas Jefferson foresaw such dangers and had a word for it: “masked monarchy.” While Jefferson believed that our “government (is) better calculated than others […]
A Pence Presidency and an Iran War? Why does John Bolton really want Trump Out?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Former National Security Adviser John Bolton may have singlehandedly stopped Senate majority Mitch McConnell from simply acquitting Trump in the Senate impeachment trial and adjourning without witnesses or documents. Bolton publicly announced his willingness to testify before the Senate, after having stiffed the House proceedings. And then a manuscript of […]
Does Impeachment Need a Crime? Not According to the Framers of the Constitution
By Stefanie Lindquist | – Donald Trump’s legal and political defenders are all singing the same refrain: The president can’t be impeached; he hasn’t committed a crime. Alan Dershowitz, the constitutional lawyer now representing Trump, said it during an appearance on CNN. Sen. Ted Cruz echoed it on Twitter, noting there was “not even a […]