Southwest Harbor, Maine (Special to Informed Comment) – Quiet concerns about a possible Sanders victory became a loud and agitated freakout after the Senator’s resounding victory in Nevada. The anguish came from the financial hub of the centrist Democratic establishment. In an incoherent rant, for which he later apologized, Chris Matthews drew a confused and […]
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Democratic Party
Sanders calls out “reactionary racist Netanyahu” while Bloomberg charges Mideast with “age-old hatreds”
At Tuesday night’s Democratic debate in South Carolina on CBS, Major Garrett, chief Washington correspondent for CBS News, asked Bernie Sanders a leading question. The question assumes that American Jews are a one-issue constituency who only care about Israel, and, indeed, it assumes that American Jews support the Netanyahu government. According to Gallup, about a […]
The Left is Back!
Akron, OH (Special to Informed Comment) – It’s official: the American left is back! Whether Bernie Sanders goes on to win the Democratic nomination, which appears increasingly likely, the left has risen and it is not likely to recede anytime soon. Virtually destroyed by World War II and the Cold War, the left attempted a […]
The Fall of France to the Nazis? Chris Matthews and Corporate Democrats’ Bernie Derangement Syndrome
NB Matthews apologized for his remarks on 2/24/20 Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I was watching MSNBC Saturday afternoon during the voting at the Nevada caucuses. I did a little channel surfing, checking in at CNN and at the real news on Al Jazeera. But mostly I had MSNBC on. And I nearly fell off […]
Sanders’ Medicare for All: Why the Nevada Culinary Workers revolted against their Union Bosses
Southwest Harbor, Maine (Special to Informed Comment) – In the days leading up to the Nevada Democratic caucus media frequently referred to the “powerful” 60,000 member Culinary Workers Union. In the last quarter century instances when the words powerful and union would be used in the same sentence are all too infrequent. Nonetheless, this union […]
Why the Russian Petro-state is actually terrified of a Bernie Sanders Presidency: The Green New Deal
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused by Western intelligence agencies of seeking to interfere in the 2020 US elections in favor of Donald Trump on the right and in favor of Bernie Sanders on the left. But guess what, Russia doesn’t actually want Bernie to win. At all. Moscow […]
Russia wants Trump reelected, and may be Making a Bet that Bernie Sanders can’t Defeat Him (They’re Wrong)
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Julia Arciga at The Daily Beast writes that the Bernie Sanders campaign is convinced that notorious far right wing internet troll Richard Grenell, whom Trump wants to make acting Director of National Intelligence, is the source of the leak that Russia is backing the Sanders campaign. At the same time, […]
Nondisclosure and secrecy laws protect Bloomberg – not the women who sued him
By Elizabeth C. Tippett | – Billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg received a lot of flak at the Feb. 19 Democratic debate for his refusal to release employees who sued his company from nondisclosure agreements. He admitted to having a “few nondisclosure agreements,” after Sen. Elizabeth Warren challenged him over the […]
Can the Democrats’ Foreign Policy Visions clean up Trump’s Global Mess?
( Foreign Policy in Focus) – Democratic candidates offer a wide range of foreign policy views. These won’t decide the election, but they could have a huge post-Trump impact. The next presidential election will not likely hinge on foreign policy. Americans will go to the polls in November to express their fervent support, or disgust, […]