By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump running mate Mike Pence continued the unreality of this election season in Tuesday’s debate by denying many things that are true and asserting many things that are not true. For example there was this exchange: “KAINE: [Trump said that] More nations should get nuclear weapons. […]
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Democratic Party
Balder & Dash: Would our presidential Candidates start a Nuclear War? They won’t answer.
By Andrew J. Bacevich | ( | – – You may have missed it. Perhaps you dozed off. Or wandered into the kitchen to grab a snack. Or by that point in the proceedings were checking out Seinfeld reruns. During the latter part of the much hyped but excruciating-to-watch first presidential debate, NBC Nightly […]
Vote For Hillary Clinton Or Die in a Fiery Apocalypse: A Letter To Young Progressives
By David Faris | (Informed Comment) | – – Dear young progressives, If recent polls are to be believed, younger progressive voters like you are either preparing to vote in unusually large numbers for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein, or planning to stay home. If you’re going to stop reading […]
Trump: Disarm Sec. Clinton’s bodyguards: & “let’s see what happens to her.”
CNN | (Video News Report) | – – “During a Miami rally, Donald Trump wondered aloud what would happen to Hillary Clinton should her Secret Service detail be disarmed, saying “take their guns away, let’s see what happens to her.” CNN: “Trump: Take guns from Clinton security, see what happens”
“This Parrot is no More”: The 2016 Presidential Election did not Take Place
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) The French sociologist and philosopher Jean Baudrillard wrote a book in 1991 entitled The Gulf War did not Take Place . In the same way, the 2016 presidential election did not take place. Baudrillard did not mean to say, of course, that no war was prosecuted by the US […]
Obama has one last Chance to remedy his Colossal Failure on Palestine/Israel
By Carl Bildt | ( Project Syndicate ) | – – STOCKHOLM – Next year marks the centennial of the Balfour Declaration, the British statement that paved the way for Israel’s founding in 1948, and for the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as the larger Arab world, that continues today. World leaders […]
Clinton: No US ground troops in Iraq, Syria; Trump: Steal Iraqi Oil
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The NBC Candidates Forum continued the shameful corporate coverage of the Great American Meltdown that is our election season. That season has given us a Faux Cable News that runs clips of only one side and pays out hush money to cover up how its blonde […]
Sanders: Aetna’s Obamacare threat shows what Corporate Control Looks Like
By Nika Knight, staff writer | ( | – – Aetna threatened federal government with withdrawal from Affordable Care Act if controversial merger didn’t go through, new reporting reveals Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini bluntly told the Justice Department in July that the healthcare behemoth would drop out of the Affordable Care Act exchanges if its […]
Trump threatens Sec. Clinton with Gun Nuts, imitates Tinpot 3rd World Regimes
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Donald Trump said Tuesday there was nothing that his supporters could do if Hillary Clinton won and got “to pick her judges.” Then he “thought” a moment and amended his pessimism: “Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.” Former CIA director Michael […]