By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | “American attitudes on refugees from the Middle East”: A Public Opinion Poll by Shibley Telhami is just out. Despite the raft of Republican mayors who have pledged to keep Syrian refugees out of their states (that isn’t actually a thing) and the sewage that has spilled from the […]
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Arab Americans
Arab-Americans, including ‘Watan’ Newspaper, Endorse Bernie Sanders
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Many Arab-Americans want the Jewish candidate to be president. The prominent Arabic-language newspaper for that community in Southern California, Watan (“A Nation”), has endorsed Bernie Sanders. This outcome is not as strange as it might appear. Arab-Americans (who include Christians and Muslims) had been split between […]
IS GOP aiming for 21st Century White Apartheid in America?
Arun Gupta | ( TeleSur ) | – – To compete on a national level the Republican right is creating a system of intersectional apartheid. No matter what happens with Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency, the Republican Party has a bright future as a party of patriarchal white nationalism. Its grip on white support […]
Sanders Promises Economic Justice for Muslim, Black Communities
TeleSur | – – The Vermont senator fielded questions on social justice from members of the the African-American and Muslim communities at a Town Hall in Milwaukee. Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders held a Town Hall meeting tonight in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The senator from Vermont was introduced by African-American Reverend Marcus Hart, and fielded questions from […]
The Trump Doctrine: End NATO, Patrol Mosques, Nukes for Japan & Allies
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Anderson Cooper’s interview with Donald Trump on Tuesday evening had the advantage of allowing come-backs and close questioning. At one point Cooper pointed out to Trump that he sometimes behaved like a 5-year-old, as with his attacks on Heidi Cruz. At another, he wondered why Trump […]
Kahlil Gibran: “Lazarus & His Beloved”
Kahlil Gibran | (New York Public Library) \ – – New York Public Library, Billy Rose Theater Production Photograph File Genre: Photograph [of Tableau Vivant] — Related Book: Kahlil Gibran, The Vision, trans. Juan Cole.
Anne Frank’s Stepsister: Donald Trump Is Another Hitler
TeleSur | – – Eva Schloss, an Auschwitz concentration camp survivor, said the U.S. presidential candidate was acting like Hitler, while the world acts as “bystanders” to the refugee crisis. Donald Trump is acting like another Adolf Hitler, Eva Schloss, an Auschwitz concentration survivor and Anne Frank’s stepsister said in a column published by Newsweek […]
Not just “Immigrants”: 3 Arab-Americans Central to American History
By Hsain Ilahiane | (Informed Comment) | – – Arabs and Muslims Made and Are Still Making America Great: One came on foot, one with camels, and one brought Apple products to us. Arabs and Muslims have been under clouds of suspicion and scrutiny since recent mass shootings in Paris, France, and San Bernardino, California. […]
Oregon Standoff: What If The Armed Men Were Muslim Or Black?
Jessica Sherry | AJ+ | (Video News Report) | – – “The Ammon Bundy–led armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon isn’t just about land rights. Dena Takruri gets the thoughts of occupiers LaVoy Finicum and Jon Ritzheimer on what would happen if they were brown, black or Muslim. Shot by video […]