By Morgan Marietta | – If the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is replaced this year, the Supreme Court will become something the country has not seen since the justices became a dominant force in American cultural life after World War II: a decidedly conservative court. A court with a 6-3 conservative majority would be […]
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Far Right
Attacking even the Study of Slavery History, Trump is Running for President of White Nationalists
By Henry Giroux | – In what appears to be a blatant appeal to the white supremacists in his base, President Donald Trump has made clear his attempt to both defend and rewrite the history of racial injustice in the United States while eliminating the institutions that make visible its historical roots. As Peter Baker, […]
19 years after 9/11, Americans continue to fear foreign extremists and underplay the dangers of domestic terrorism
By Jeff Gruenewald, Joshua D. Freilich, Steven Chermak, and William Parkin | – On a Tuesday morning in September 2001, the American experience with terrorism was fundamentally altered. Two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six people were killed as the direct result of attacks in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania. Thousands more, including many first […]
Less than 8 Weeks to Save our Democracy from a Grotesque, Bigoted, illiterate Game Show Host and Real Estate Grifter
Chicago (Special to Informed Comment) – In 2016, thanks largely to the antiquated, nonsensical design of its creaky electoral system, the U.S. presidency was awarded to a candidate who lost the election by nearly 3 million votes to his opponent. This elderly man, a functionally illiterate game show host and petty real estate grifter with […]
Trump warns of “Total Anarchy, Madness and Chaos,” but they are his Reelection Strategy
Sacramento, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment) – During the Republican National Convention, in his fantasy world, Trump paralogized a “liberal dystopia” claiming: “I’m the only thing standing between the American dream and total anarchy, madness and chaos.” In the real world, the opposite holds true. If, after the November 2020 elections, Trump is left standing, […]
There’s nothing left of the Republican Party but Trump’s Maniacal Cackle
( ) – The Republican platform — and the Republican Party itself — has been reduced to one word: Trump. By Jim Hightower | September 2, 2020 With our national election looming, someone should put up “lost dog” signs in every neighborhood saying, “Missing: Republican Party Platform.” Voters won’t find one though, for this […]
Trump is fomenting a Second Civil War in America, not happy that his side lost the first one
I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to argue that Don the Con Trump has re-ignited a second Civil War in America; considering that armed vigilantes have responded to his prompting with shows of armed force at multiple state capitals and city halls, and now murdered good American citizens as a response to his perverse call to […]
Fed Prosecutors Target Steve Bannon’s Murky Non-Profit: Was his White Nationalism just a way to Get Rich off the Rubes?
by Yeganeh Torbati | – ( ProPublica ) – Near the end of a lengthy indictment detailing fraud allegations against Stephen Bannon, former Donald Trump campaign CEO and chief strategist and his associates, federal prosecutors reveal that they intend to seize the assets of a murky nonprofit organization Bannon launched in 2017 to promote “economic […]
Explaining Nikki Haley’s Racism toward Palestinians
Reprinted from 05/16/2018 when Haley was US ambassador to the UN and was regularly bashing Palestinians US Ambassador to the United Nations Nimrata “Nikki” Singh Randhawa Haley on Tuesday walked out of the chamber when the Palestinian ambassador began to speak. Palestine, like the Vatican, has non-member observer state status at the UN. You’re not […]