Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A 22-year-old gunman walked into Club Q in Colorado Springs Sunday and shot five people to death with a long gun, injuring 25, before two people inside the club bravely took him on and stopped further murders. Club Q bills itself as a safe space for LGBTQ patrons. So report […]
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Gay Rights
Under DeSantis, Republican “Child Identity” McCarthyism comes for Mickey Mouse
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Gov. Ron DeSantis’s attack on the Disney Corporation may seem odd, coming from a pro-business governor in a state where Disney is one of the largest employers. But DeSantis is pushing back at Disney on behalf of big capital, in a roundabout way. The entertainment corporations are problematic for the […]
Right Wing Laws to “protect religious freedom” Enable Fundamentalists to Discriminate
Charleston, W.Va. (Informed Comment) – Across America, right-wing politicians pass “religious freedom” laws that have a single purpose: to let narrow-minded believers discriminate against gays — an intolerance that is illegal for other people under human rights laws. In other words, only born-again Christians are allowed to express prejudice and hostility, while other Americans live […]
‘Rainbow wave’ of LGBTQ candidates run and win in 2020 election
By Timothy R. Bussey | – More LGBTQ candidates ran for office in the United States in 2020 than ever before – at least 1,006. That’s a 41% increase over the 2018 midterms, according to the LGBTQ Victory Fund. While an estimated 5% of the U.S. population identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, […]
How a GOP 6-3 Court will Set Individual and Privacy Rights back 50 Years
By Morgan Marietta | – If the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is replaced this year, the Supreme Court will become something the country has not seen since the justices became a dominant force in American cultural life after World War II: a decidedly conservative court. A court with a 6-3 conservative majority would be […]
Sarah Sanders complains about not being served in Restaurant after Urging same Treatment of Gays, Immigrants
Sara Sanders complained on Twitter about not being served at the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. WaPo reports that the owner, Stephanie Wilkinson, insisted that patrons uphold standards of honesty and compassion, and that Sanders flacks for an “inhumane and unethical” administration, defending Trump’s “cruelest policies.” Wilkinson’s grounds for not serving the White House […]
Trump “Religious Freedom” Order Opens Way for LGBT Bias
Human Rights Watch | – – License for Actions Harmful to Women, LGBT People (Washington, DC) – An executive order issued by President Donald Trump on May 4, 2017, opens the way to overriding regulations that protect women’s health, Human Rights Watch said today. While media attention has largely focused on the order’s efforts to […]
Did the FBI Tell Orlando Shooter’s ex-Wife Not to reveal He Was Gay to Media?
TeleSur | – – In an interview with Brazilian TV, the ex-wife of Omar Mateen claimed the U.S. agency told her to keep quiet about his homosexuality. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation told the former wife of the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, Sitora Yusufiy, not to speak of his homosexuality or the fact that […]
Three LGBTQ Muslims offer their thoughts on the Orlando shooting and dismiss right-wing attempts to Appropriate their cause.
AJ+ | (Video News Report) | – – “Three LGBTQ Muslims offer their thoughts on the Orlando shooting and dismiss right-wing attempts to pay lip service to their cause.” AJ+: “Gay And Queer Muslims Dismiss GOP Attempts To Woo Them After #Orlando”