( Otherwords.org ) – New data confirms what’s been true all along: Trump built his brand selling fear-mongering lies about immigrants and crime. By Jill Richardson | December 16, 2020 As Donald Trump leaves office, it’s worth remembering how he first launched his campaign: by calling immigrants “murderers” and “rapists.” This was outrageous then. And […]
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American War Crime: Trump’s Child Separation at the Border violates the Rome Statute, Majorly
Boise, Idaho (Special to Informed Comment) – As a retired military lawyer, I have more than a passing familiarity with international humanitarian law. When I saw the reports beginning in 2017, first of the forced separation of children from parents on our southern border, with no prospect of near-term reunification, and more recently of the […]
The Fading Allure of the American Passport?
By Özlem Altan Olcay and Evren Balta | – Istanbul (Special to Informed Comment) – The perceived failure of the West in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the current protests against racist police brutality in the United States, screened on TV channels across the world, have reignited one of the most widely […]
Cramped ICE Detention Centers during COVID-19 Threaten Migrant Safety, even Officers
By Jessica Myers | Luce Foundation: Southwest Stories Fellowship | – ( Cronkite News) – PHOENIX – In the six months Maria Chávez’s husband has been detained at La Palma Correctional Center, he has been quarantined twice after being exposed to suspected cases of COVID-19. And quarantine, for him, has meant solitary confinement. Andrés gets […]
How to Fund the Green New Deal: With the money we spend on Immigration Enforcement, we could solar power nearly 35 million homes.
By Josue De Luna Navarro | ( Otherwords.org ) – The climate crisis is perhaps the greatest challenge humanity is facing. Yes, it threatens everyone’s existence. But in particular, it exacerbates the centuries-long systemic oppression plaguing so many communities. The scientific consensus tells us we have 10 years to transform our fossil-fueled, extractive economy into […]
How US Immigration Policies Foreshadowed Violence Against Protesters
Trump Administration Planning to Send Federal Agents to Other Cities
Hospitals Are Suddenly Short of Young Doctors — Because of Trump’s Visa Ban
By Dara Lind | – ( ProPublica) – As hospitals across the United States brace for a difficult six months — with the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic still raging and concerns about a second wave in the fall — some are acutely short-staffed because of an ill-timed change to immigration policy and its […]
Top 6 Reasons Trump’s Racist Attack on Ilhan Omar at Empty Stadium is a Lie
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In his typically unhinged rant to a nearly empty stadium in Tulsa, OK, Trump attempted to use Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar to denigrate his Democratic rival Joe Biden. He said, according to the WaPo, “Likewise, Representative Ilhan Omar is going to be very much involved in a Biden government . […]
Supreme Court ruling on Dreamers sends a clear message to the White House: You have to tell the truth
By Morgan Marietta | – When it came down to it, the fate of 700,000 immigrants brought to U.S. as children hung on a simple question: Does the White House have to tell the whole truth in justifying its move to deport them? On June 18, the Supreme Court said “yes.” In a 5-to-4 decision […]