By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Most polls show that Jewish Americans are the Americans most enthusiastic about the diplomatic deal reached at Vienna between Iran and the UN Security Council over its civilian nuclear enrichment program. So the umbrella group of lobbyists supposedly dedicated to representing Jewish Americans, the American Israel […]
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Israel Lobbies
Obama Says Netanyahu’s Interference in American Politics “Unprecedented”
By IMEMC | – – US President Barack Obama, in an interview with CNN, said that Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s interference in American politics is “unprecedented”, especially following the Iran deal. In the interview, which will be fully aired later on Sunday, Obama was asked if it was “appropriate of a foreign head of […]
Iran Deal: Can Schumer still succeed Reid after taking Netanyahu’s side against his Party Leader?
Wochit News | (Video report) | – – “New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the No. 3 Senate Democrat, is breaking with President Barack Obama and will oppose the Iran nuclear deal. Schumer made the announcement late Thursday night. The move is a blow to the Obama administration, which has lobbied hard for the international accord […]
Can the Iran Deal be defeated by Rhetoric likening it to the Holocaust?
by SHALOM GOLDMAN for ISLAMiCommentary Opinion polls and election results indicate that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s rhetoric — which compares the Islamic republic of Iran to the Nazi regime and the recently-signed accords with Iran (the P5+ 1 agreement ) to the Munich pact of 1938 — has played well within Israel. Netanyahu’s characterization of […]
Iran Deal: The Calculus of Power in the Mideast just Changed Forever
By Peter Van Buren | ( | – – Don’t sweat the details of the July nuclear accord between the United States and Iran. What matters is that the calculus of power in the Middle East just changed in significant ways. Washington and Tehran announced their nuclear agreement on July 14th and yes, some of […]
Trying to out-Trump Trump, Huckabee goes all Holocaust on Obama’s Iran Deal
CBSN | (Video News Report) | “After weeks of controversial remarks, GOP primary candidate Donald Trump is still leading in the polls while other candidates like Mike Huckabee are stepping up their own attacks. CBS News senior political editor Steve Chaggaris has the latest from the campaign trail. CBSN: “Inflammatory talk from Trump, Huckabee draws […]
In defeat for Israel Lobbies, Professors’ Union censures U of Illinois Over Salaita Firing
By Lauren McCauley, staff writer | ( | – – Attorneys for Professor Steven Salaita called the move by leading academic group ‘a serious blemish on the university’s record’ The university rescinded Salaita’s tenured faculty appointment at school’s the American Indian studies program after he issued a series of Tweets condemning those who defended Israel’s […]
It isn’t Israel that is being “delegitimized” but the Occupation of Palestine
By: John V. Whitbeck | (Ma’an News Agency) | – – June 5 marked the 48th anniversary of the “preemptive” attack on Egypt with which Israel launched the fateful “Six-Day War” that permitted the Zionist movement to complete its conquest of historical Palestine. As the “State of Palestine” (the legal designation for the 22 percent […]
Adelson Tabloid slams Obama for Listening to ‘Court Jews’ in Questioning Israel’s Credibility
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – President Barack Obama gave an interview on Israeli television on Tuesday in which he said that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s position on rejecting a Palestinian state as long as he is in power is damaging Israel’s credibility. Netanyahu tried to retract his campaign pledge after he won […]