Title VI was designed to end discrimination and harassment on campus, but the law can also be misused, as partisans of Israel have done, to protect Israel from criticism and stifle pro-Palestinian voices. By Michael Schwalbe | – (Commondreams.org ) – A sad fact of jurisprudence in an unequal world is that good laws created […]
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Israel Lobbies
Setting the Record Straight: Weaponizing Antisemitism to Cancel Academic Free Speech
( Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette) – As someone who believes deeply in human rights for all, who has spent a great deal of time in Palestine and Israel and cares a great deal about the people there, and who is very concerned and grieved about the loss of life in Israel on Oct. 7 and […]
Poll: Americans have no Idea what Biden Means when he says he is a Zionist, or What Israel’s Ideology is
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Shibley Telhami and Michael Hammer have a new commentary out based on their polling at the University of Maryland’s Critical Issues Poll during the past year. One of the three issues they address is Israel/ Palestine. They found that 62% of Americans have no idea what Zionism is. Zionism is, […]
CNN Admits its Policy of Submitting to Israeli Censorship ‘Has Been in Place for Years’
By Julia Conley | – ( Commondreams.org ) – CNN has long been criticized by media analysts and journalists for its deference to the Israeli government and the Israel Defense Forces in its coverage of the occupied Palestinian territories, and the cable network admitted Thursday that it follows a protocol that could give Israeli censors […]
The Other Israel-Gaza Conflict: On Campus (Juan at Dawn)
Excerpted from Dawn (Democracy for the Arab World Now) Israel’s total war on Gaza, following Hamas’s horrific terrorist attack on Oct. 7, has roiled higher education in the United States. The atrocities committed by Hamas in southern Israel two months ago have reverberated on many U.S. campuses, deeply traumatizing many Jewish students. But so too […]
US Scholars of Mideast dispute House Resolution 894’s Equation of anti-Zionism with Antisemitism
Committee on Academic Freedom, North America, Middle East Studies Association | – Representative Mike Johnson Speaker of the House of Representatives Representative Hakim Jeffries Minority Leader, House of Representatives Dear Speaker Johnson and Minority Leader Jeffries, We write on behalf of the Committee on Academic Freedom of the Middle East Studies Association […]
Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson is the Face of the Republican Party: Election Denialist, Forced Birth Enforcer, Homophobe and Christian Zionist
Chicago (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Disguised as a mild-mannered Clark Kent, Mike Johnson is a raging theocrat under his tailored suit, who believes his ascension to the speakership was ordained by God. The formerly invisible but now made manifest Christian Nationalist from Louisiana was elevated to power unanimously, following three weeks of vindictive, […]
The Gaza Conflict Opens up New Opportunities for China in the Middle East, Global South
Shaun Narine, St. Thomas University (Canada) | – (The Conversation) – The western world’s support for Israel as it attacks Gaza has provoked fury across the Arab world and much of the Global South. This situation undermines the West’s international standing and offers opportunities for China to enhance its regional and global diplomatic influence. Whether […]
The University of Pennsylvania must Defend its Faculty’s Right to Condemn War Crimes
Committee on Academic Freedom of the Middle East Studies Association University of Pennsylvania Liz Magill President, the University of Pennsylvania president@upenn.edu John Jackson Provost, the University of Pennsylvania provost@upenn.edu . . . Dear President Magill and colleagues: We write on behalf of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and its […]