Madison, Wi. (Special to Informed Comment) – The unqualified branding of people, organizations, reports, and movements as “anti-Semitic” for their criticism of Israel is having a boomerang effect. Labeling every condemnation of Israel as “anti-Semitism” silences those whose voices are most needed. The repeated charge of anti-Semitism debases its actual meaning—and provides cover for those […]
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Israel Lobbies
Jared Kushner’s Sham “Abraham Accords” unleashed more ME Conflict, and don’t Deserve a Nobel
Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment) – Jared Kushner’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, for authoring the Abraham Accords (along with his deputy Avi Berkowitz), is a sham. The Abraham Accords are not a comprehensive peace plan, but a self-serving scheme that sows the seeds of war for future generations. It is a series […]
Criticizing Israeli Policies is not Antisemitism, and Arizona Teachers Shouldn’t be deprived of 1st Amendment Rights
Committee on Academic Freedom, Middle East Studies Association: Letter Protesting proposed adoption of flawed IHRA definition of antisemitism for Arizona institutions of higher education by the Arizona assembly. Dear Representatives Udall, Parker and Grantham: We write to you on behalf of the Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) and its Committee on Academic […]
Promoting Hatred of Muslim Americans is a Billion Dollar Industry: Can the New Congressional Envoy Combat it?
By Nasim Ahmed | – ( Middle East Monitor) – US lawmakers voted, last month, in support of a bill to create a State Department office tasked with monitoring and combating Islamophobia across the globe. With members of the House of Representatives casting their vote along party lines, a ten-seat majority held by the Democrats […]
Israeli Government defies President Biden, announces 3K new Squatter Dwellings on Palestinian Land
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Israeli newspaper Arab48 reports that Israeli authorities are authorizing 3,144 new housing units for squatters on Palestinian-owned land in the Palestinian West Bank. The move is spearheaded by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his expansionist Yamina Party, and was greeted with outrage by some elements of the unwieldy 8-party […]
Citizen Pilgrim: Richard Falk’s Breakthrough against Israeli Apartheid toward Palestinians
A review of Public Intellectual: The Life of a Citizen Pilgrim, by Richard Falk. By Walden Bello | ( Foreign Policy in Focus) – Richard Falk is universally regarded as one of the top minds when it comes to international law. Yet his views are not only unwelcome in establishment circles, but even among many […]
Bogus charges of Antisemitism and the Case of Rashida Tlaib
By David Rubenstein | – ( Southside Pride) – You have to wonder how many people actually listened to the allegedly antisemitic comments made by Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib in a speech to a Socialist convention earlier this year. Not many, you can be sure of that. For days those comments were a lead news […]
For the First time, Israeli Apartheid was Broached in Congress by Rashida Tlaib – and then the Racist Epithets rained Down
( Middle East Monitor) – [It is rare] for Israeli apartheid to be raised as a topic of discussion in the US Congress. In fact, I can’t recall that it has ever happened before, until last week. And the response in the US was even more ferocious, and particularly vindictive. It was also openly racist. […]
Palestinian Christians welcome U.S. United Church of Christ affirmation of right to Boycott Israel for Occupation of Palestinian Territories
Palestinians UCC BDS Occupation Israel