Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – President Joe Biden and his counterpart Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke for half an hour on Monday by video, as Biden attempted to establish “guard rails” in the relationship of the two countries so that tensions do not spiral out of control. Biden is a status quo president, attempting to […]
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US politics
How the US lost in Afghanistan (Juan Cole Interview with Michigan Online Teach-out)
Interview by the University of Michigan Online‘s Jenni Patterson | – “Following the removal of American troops from Afghanistan, there has been a surge of Afghans trying to escape amid the country’s turmoil. Learn more about the current crisis in Afghanistan and how to support displaced people in your own community with the “Afghan Refugees […]
All Trump’s Cover-Ups: From Syria Airstrike on Civilians to US COVID Genocide
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The US Founding Fathers had a cynical side. They did not think people in government could be trusted to do the right thing. They thought people often do what they can get away with. The point of James Madison’s checks and balances was not just to guard against tyranny but […]
Extreme Heat causes Heart Attacks, Miscarriages, Malnutrition, requiring Urgent steps to Curb CO2
By Abdu Mohiddin, Christopher Jack, Evans Kituyi, Kristie Ebi, Matthew Chersich, and Stanley Luchters | – The African continent is heating up more, and faster, than other regions in the world according to the recently released State of Climate in Africa Report. By 2030, the report says up to 118 million extremely poor people will […]
In Irrational COVID Policy, is there any Difference between Republicans and Iran’s Ayatollahs?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – David Axe at the Daily Beast reports on what he says is very bad news for the US red states whose Republican governors are depending on herd immunity to get us past the COVID-19 pandemic. Some Iranian provinces have, since its beginning, reported more cases of the coronavirus than they […]
After 30 Secret Meetings, US and China announce Joint initiative to Combat Global Heating in Diplomatic Thaw
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Owen Churchill at the South China Morning Post reports that the United States and China at the UN Climate Conference COP26 have agreed on a statement of principles aimed at limiting extra global heating to 2.7 degrees F. (1.5C) above the late 18th century norms before humanity began dumping billions […]
Paul Gosar’s Fantasy of War Rape against AOC is Frustration that the Impotent Capitol Insurrection Failed
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Arizona Congressman, dentist, and inveterate nutcase Paul Gosar posted to Twitter a photoshopped Anime video showing himself as a cartoon character plunging a sword into the neck of a monster with the face of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of Queens and the Bronx. He is also seen menacing Joe Biden. Threatening […]
Letter to President Biden on Failures of Administration’s Human Rights Policy Toward the Middle East
By Kenneth Roth | Executive Director | – President Joseph R. Biden 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 RE: US Policy Toward the Middle East Dear President Biden, When you were elected last year, we urged your incoming administration to strive to be a leader in human rights and made a series of recommendations […]
Can the Runaway Pentagon Budget ever be Reined in?
By Mandy Smithberger and William Hartung | – Even as Congress moves to increase the Pentagon budget well beyond the astronomical levels proposed by the Biden administration, a new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has outlined three different ways to cut $1 trillion in Department of Defense spending over the next decade. A […]