James E. Hawdon | (The Conversation) | – – Extremism has always been with us, but the internet has allowed ideas that advocate hate and violence to reach more and more people. Whether it’s the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville or the 2015 Charleston church massacre, it’s important to understand the internet and […]
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US politics
Trump’s Organized Chaos: Channeling the Dictators – And Their Lieutenants
By Shalom Goldman | (Informed Comment) | – – When Donald Trump was vying for the Republic nomination, and even more so after he won the nomination and was running for office, some of his most alarmed critics compared him to Adolf Hitler. These claims were not restricted to the American fringe (in all of […]
Trump Exploits Harvey Victims in Stealth Pardon of Arpaio
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Eminent climate scientist Michael Mann of Penn State noticed not one but two horrible things about Friday evening. You never want to see a Hurricane that looks like this at landfall.I fear #Harvey will take a heavy toll. Be safe folks. pic.twitter.com/1r0CXvhghm — Michael E. Mann […]
It’s Time to Take the Nazi-Trump Comparisons Seriously
By Adil E. Shamoo and Bonnie Bricker | ( Foreign Policy in Focus ) | – – The slide towards bleak historical periods can be difficult to recognize in the moment. But in this moment, it’s glaringly obvious. The slide towards bleak historical periods can be difficult to recognize in the moment — often it […]
Afghanistan is now officially James Mattis’ war
By Simon Reich | (The Conversation) | – – Donald Trump’s speech on his administration’s strategy in Afghanistan – in which he announced the introduction of an unspecified number of new combat troops, without a mission and without a specified end date, in a strategy that abandoned nation building but entailed war-fighting – clearly contravened […]
Shadowy US Covert Ops & Surveillance Abroad always Come Home
By Alfred W. McCoy | (Tomdispatch.com) | – – [This piece has been adapted and expanded from the introduction to Alfred W. McCoy’s new book, In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power.] In the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks, Washington pursued its elusive enemies across the […]
Germany’s Merkel: A Selfish & Isolationist America isn’t “Great Again”
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – In an interview with Handelsblatt , German Chancellor Angela Merkel took on Donald Trump’s philosophy directly. She said that Trump’s isolationism cannot make America greater. Turning inward and abandoning friends can only diminish America, she said: “An America that does not care about the rest of […]
Will Trump’s Arpaio Pardon encourage more civil rights violations?
Steven Mulroy | (The Conversation) | – – President Donald Trump may pardon Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff who illegally used racial profiling to enforce immigration laws. It’s true, Trump has the legal power to pardon pretty much anyone. But pardoning Arpaio could send the message that state and local officials can aggressively enforce […]
Is Trump planning permanent occupation of Afghanistan?
By Reese Erlich | ( 48Hills | – – What will 4,000 more US troops do that 100,000 troops couldn’t do before? On my first reporting trip to Afghanistan, I was surprised to find that so many people supported the US invasion. They loved President George Bush because he got rid of the hated Taliban […]