By Juan Cole | – – About 1 million women and their supporters demonstrated in Washington, D. C. on Saturday, but many millions more rallied in cities like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Atlanta and in small towns like Ann Arbor, Michigan, as well as in cities around the world. The target of their […]
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US politics
The left’s response to Trump and US Neofascism must be international
By Sayantan Ghosal | (The Conversation) | – – With Donald Trump’s inauguration as American president, one more event considered by many to be beyond the realm of possibility has come to pass. Protests may have been taking place in America and around the world, but the crisis of the left is all too apparent. […]
Translating Trump’s inaugural Speech from the original German
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Donald Trump’s inaugural speech, like the candidate himself, was a chain of falsehoods, saber-rattling and scary Neofascist uber-nationalism. But it could be difficult to follow because so much of it seemed stolen from the mass politics of the 1930s in central and southern Europe. So here […]
Top 3 Ways to rig an Election
By William deBuys | ( ) – – Donald Trump was right. The election was rigged. What Trump got wrong (and, boy, does he get things wrong) is that the rigging worked in his favor. The manipulations took three monumental forms: Russian cyber-sabotage; FBI meddling; and systematic Republican efforts, especially in swing states, to […]
The Inauguration of White Supremacy
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump’s cabinet has no Latinos, the first time that minority, which comprises 18 percent of Americans, is absent for twenty-five years. Trump famously accused Mexican-Americans of being the worst people, including in their ranks rapists and drug dealers and having been deliberately sent across the border […]
Is Trump the Shock America needs to Transition to Social Democracy?
David Graham Sweet | (Informed Comment) | – – Here on the “Left Coast” there’s much anguish & foreboding over the results of our recent election, and talk of “resistance.” I’m anguished too, but if you’ll forgive me, less pessimistic than ever about the future of our country. Here’s why. It’s not that the new […]
Will Donald Trump bring back torture? Can Foreign leaders stop him?
By Vincent Charles Keating | (The Conversation) | – – There can be no doubt that the swearing in of Donald Trump on January 20 will usher in a new era for the United States. But the president-elect’s open support for torture and waterboarding could mean his inauguration also marks a return to what President […]
Along with pardoning Manning, Obama should have repealed 1917 Espionage Act
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – In a daring and bold move that showed his profound humanitarian side, President Obama has commuted the 35-year sentence of Chelsea Manning, a transgender woman and former military intelligence analyst who in 2010 leaked hundreds of thousands of State Department cables and also some Iraq and […]
Will Americans go along with Authoritarian Trumpism?
By Thomas Pepinsky | (TeleSur) | – – Everyday life in the modern authoritarian regime is boring and tolerable. Malaysia is a country that I know well, and whose political system I have studied closely for 15 years. It is also a country whose political liberalization I have long awaited. Malaysia has a multiparty parliamentary […]