By Jim Hightower | ( Other Words ) | – – The former Texas governor's only experience for the job comes from stiffing the American people — and their environment. Rick Perry has taken quite a tumble since being governor of Texas. He was a twice-failed GOP presidential wannabe and then ended up being a […]
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US politics
Remember when Dems were blasted for Class War? Meet Trump’s Cabinet
By Sam Pizzigati | ( Institute for Policy Studies) | – – Donald Trump and the business kingpins populating his inner circle want to slice the tax bill of America’s top 0.1 percent. In a typical corporate board of directors meeting, what do CEOs see when they look out across their richly lacquered boardroom tables? […]
Obama dismantles Bush Muslim Registry to make Trump start from Scratch
By TeleSur | – – Activists say Thursday’s announcement of the dismantling of the notorious NSEERS program is a key victory in the fight against Trump’s Islamophobia. After 14 years of almost constant organizing, activists celebrated Thursday the announcement that the Obama administration would fully dismantle a dormant “special registration” program that targeted migrants from […]
With Fall of Aleppo, will a Russo-Iranian Middle East challenge Trump?
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – On Thursday, the Syrian government announced that the last of those who wanted to be evacuated from the East Aleppo pocket had been bused out, and that the Bashar al-Assad regime had reestablished complete control over the entire city of Aleppo. Bashar al-Assad in his remarks […]
Why Trump’s nominee for envoy to Israel is Setting off Alarm Bells
By Mitchell Plitnick | Foreign Policy in Focus | Originally published in Lobelog | – – David Friedman’s approach to the issue of peace is clear enough: Whatever Israel’s right-wing government wants, the United States should give. With his nomination of attorney David Friedman as the new United States Ambassador to Israel, President-elect Donald Trump […]
President Big Brother: 1984 is 32 Years Late
By Tom Engelhardt | ( ) | – – Can you doubt that we’re in a dystopian age, even if we’re still four weeks from Donald Trump entering the Oval Office? Never in our lifetimes have we experienced such vivid previews of what unfettered capitalism is likely to mean in an ever more unequal […]
Trump blames Muslim immigrants for Turkey, Berlin Violence
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – After the assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey by a member of the Ankara police force who appears to have gone over to some form of al-Qaeda-like radicalism, one person on the internet said that Turkey should never have let Muslims into its country. I […]
Trump’s Normalization of White Supremacy: Will Richard Spencer Sit in Congress?
The white supremacist revealed this week he is considering running for the Montana Congressional seat. With an incoming presidency that was embroiled in charges of using white supremacist rhetoric during the campaign trail, it’s no wonder white supremacists across the country are rising from the margins and being frontlined on mainstream platforms. The rise of […]
Top 5 Reasons Senate Dems should block all Trump Supreme Court Nominees, Forever
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – We don’t need a Trump-nominated supreme Court justice. We desperately don’t need such a person. And there is no reason to have one. The Democrats in the Senate should just filibuster any nomination for the next four years. Now, you may say that a president deserves […]