TeleSur | – – U.S. concern over alleged Russian foul play in this year’s election is ironic given decades of Washington’s deadly foreign intervention. Revelations surfaced on Friday that a leaked document from the CIA has allegedly found that the Russian government had intervened in the U.S. election to help to elect Donald Trump. For […]
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US politics
The Reich Strikes Back? Neo-Nazis Call for a Boycott of New Star Wars Movie
By TeleSur | – – White-supremacists are upset because nearly all of the major characters on the new Star Wars film are people of color. Neo-Nazi groups on the Internet are calling to boycott the premiere of “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” as they feel offended about the themes of the upcoming film, calling […]
No, America, it wasn’t Russia: You did it to Yourself
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – The headlines scream, “Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House” and “Obama orders review of Russian Hacking during Presidential campaign.” I don’t doubt that the Russian Federation employs hackers and PR people to influence public opinion and even election outcomes […]
How We Can fight back against Trump’s Anti-EPA
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | – – Trump’s nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency is a slap in the face of every American who cares about the environment in this country. Pruitt has repeatedly sued the EPA for doing its job. He is a climate change […]
Billionairocracy: Trump didn’t drain the Swamp, he is Drowning us in it
By Nomi Prins | ( | – – Given his cabinet picks so far, it’s reasonable to assume that The Donald finds hanging out with anyone who isn’t a billionaire (or at least a multimillionaire) a drag. What would there be to talk about if you left the Machiavellian class and its exploits for […]
German Advertisers pull ads from Breitbart, having seen this Picture
TeleSur | – – The decision to drop advertising from the far-right mouthpiece came on the back of a “No Money for The Right” campaign. German companies are the latest to pull their advertising from website Breitbart, whose former director, Steve Bannon, is now President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist. The companies, including car manufacturer BMW, […]
Hating on “Foreigners” a key Plank of Trumpism: Can it be Fought?
By Ngaire Woods | (Project Syndication) | – – The New Xenophobia: OXFORD – Democratic governments in the West are increasingly losing their bearings. From the shift toward illiberalism in Poland and Hungary to the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom and Donald Trump’s victory in the United States’ presidential election, a particularly lethal strain […]
How China will run rings around Trump on Green Energy, and Win Big
By Matthew Kahn | (The Conversation) | – – In mid-November, while Americans were preoccupied with election returns, China sent some of its clearest signals yet that it will continue to pursue an international leadership role on issues including climate. At an international climate change summit in Marrakech, the Chinese government reasserted its commitment to […]
After Nov. 8: Countdown to Doomsday
By John Feffer | ( | – – I didn’t vote in the pivotal American election of 2016. Thirty-five years ago, in that unseasonably warm month of November, I was in Antarctica’s Allan Hills taking ice core samples with a hand augur. The pictures I have from that time show my team drilling deep into […]