(By James McMichael [jamesmcmichael.dc@gmail.com]) President Obama is considering supplying Syrian rebels with Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (Manpads). These antiaircraft missiles are small enough to be carried and fired by a single person; they can destroy jet fighters and civilian airliners alike. If President Obama gives his approval for their supply to Syrian rebels, he will […]
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US politics
Jon Stewart/ Daily Show: Adelson will accept “Outer Israel” as term for Occupied West Bank
The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Daily Show on Facebook Jon Stewart and Samantha Bee of The Daily Show send up “Zionist billionaire” Sheldon Adelson’s recent attempt to buy Republican presidential candidates and his imposition on them of euphemisms about the Israeli occupation of the West Bank.
Muslim victim of Boston Marathon bombing sues Glenn Beck for defamation and slander
A Muslim victim of the Boston Marathon bombing has sued Glenn Beck for defamation and slander after the talk show host accused him of funding the attacks. Race spectator Abdulrahman Alharbi filed a federal lawsuit against Beck and his companies, The…
The Militarization of America’s Local Police (Infographic)
Militarization of our Police Forces – An infographic by the team at ArrestRecords.com — Related video: RT America: “Proposed bill would curb militarization of US police”
Pace Sheldon Adelson: Top 5 Signs West Bank is Occupied Territory
(By Juan Cole) New Jersey governor and presidential hopeful Chris Christie used the term “Occupied Territories” to refer to Gaza and the West Bank in his talk this weekend to Sheldon Adelson’s “Republican Jewish Coalition” in Las Vegas. He was forced to apologize to the uber right wing Adelson. Now the far right billionaires want […]
Tea Party Opponents of Muslim Cemetery Claim Islam is not a Religion
TN Tea Partiers freak out on TV reporter for covering their effort to block Muslim cemetery (via Raw Story ) Tempers flared in a confrontation between anti-Islamic activists and proponents of a plan to build an Islamic cemetery adjacent to a mosque in Murfreesboro, TN. WSMV Channel 4 reported that supporters of the Islamic Center […]
Michelle Malkin-Led Twitter Horde Attacks Stephen Colbert Over Out-Of-Context Joke
(By John Prager) Michelle Malkin-Led Twitter Horde Attacks Stephen Colbert Over Out-Of-Context Joke (Screenshots) (via Americans Against The Tea Party) Yesterday, Stephen Colbert masterfully made a point about Redskins owner Dan Snyder refusing to change the team’s name but starting a foundation to help Native Americans in his usual satirical way. In a 2011 interview […]
Is Paul Ryan a Racist? Or Just Exponent of the “White Man’s Party”?
So, IS Paul Ryan a Racist? (via Moyers & Company) Our political class is feuding about whether Rep. Paul Ryan is a racist. Rather than fearing that this donnybrook degrades political discourse, we should welcome it. Ryan sparked the controversy when he blamed poverty on “a tailspin of culture”… ——– Related video: The Young […]
Crimea, Egypt, Syria: Cole Interview on Ian Masters’ “Background Briefing”
My radio interview with Ian Masters at KPFK on developments in Egypt, Ukraine and Syria is now available on the web: Play it above or if it doesn’t display (it takes 20 seconds to load), the audio file is here The blurb: “Then we examine the effectiveness of E.U. and U.S. sanctions on Putin’s Russia, […]