By Janelle Carlson (Informed Comment) – Lost in the constant stream of shock and awe that characterizes Donald Trump’s Presidency, he states that he could end America’s 19 year war in Afghanistan in ten days. The catch, as it were, is that he would have to kill 10 million Afghans to do so. That killing […]
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Donald Trump
Trump Gives away US Intel Sources, Methods with Photo of Iran Launch Failure
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump couldn’t contain his inner five-year-old when an Iranian satellite launch at the Imam Khomeini Spaceport went bad last Thursday. He had to taunt Tehran on twitter, as Passant Rabie at reports. (Iranians don’t have twitter, although some high officials use it for public diplomacy overseas.) He appears to […]
Rouhani in Abrupt About-Face Says US must Reenter Nuclear Accord, Drop Sanctions before any Talks
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday backtracked on the willingness he had seemed to express to meet US President Donald Trump. He said there were two preconditions for such talks: one is for the US to reenter the 2015 negotiated nuclear deal, and the other is for the US to […]
China: How the Republican Imperial Presidency Led to Trump’s Trade National Socialism
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump has put US companies on alert that he might force them to withdraw from China, where they have $256 billion invested. He says he is given this power by the 1977 law called the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, or IEEPA. The Republican Party has spent over a century […]
2084? Is Trump the one who Takes us into the Age of Big Brother?
( – I, Winston Smith… I mean, Tom Engelhardt… have not just been reading a dystopian novel, but, it seems, living one — and I suspect I’ve been living one all my life. Yes, I recently reread George Orwell’s classic 1949 novel, 1984. In it, Winston Smith, a secret opponent of the totalitarian world of […]
America as a Company Town: Royal Dutch Shell Workers in Penna. Coerced to Show up for Trump
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Anya Litvak at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that a contractor handling the Trump appearance at the Royal Dutch Shell plant instructed the workers not to yell or protest and informed them that they would not to be paid that day unless they came to the Trump event. Their attendance was […]
Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Hide the Real Plot, of Corporations against our Health
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump came to power in part because of weird conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, and he is still at it. This pollution of our information system with ridiculous charges against the Clintons, or the Obamas, or any number of other bêtes noires, is a form of misdirection, a technique used […]
Trump-Saudi War on Yemen Collapsing as Southern Separatists Take Aden
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Yemen, a country of 28 million and one of the poorest in the world, had already become a byword for misery over the course of the last four years of war. Now, believe it or not, things have abruptly worsened. The strategic port of Aden has fallen to southern separatists, […]
Trump may Want out of Afghanistan, but He’s setting Stage for Global Conflict
Even if Trump manages to end the war in Afghanistan, he’s fueling other wars that will be even more devastating.