*The wording of this piece has been slightly revised and two links added. Trump has been throwing shade on Baltimore. But he constantly praises himself at his rallies in the Red States for the great job he’s done in bringing people prosperity. Open Data Network says GDP per capita in the Baltimore metro area in […]
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Donald Trump
Taking Focus off Wage Stagnation: How Trump’s Stoking of Racial Divide Harms the White Working Class
By Donald T. Tomaskovic-Devey and Eric Hoyt | – Many white men say they feel threatened by the increasing presence and success of minorities in the workplace. As social scientists, we wondered if there is any evidence to support this perceived economic threat, a perception that can provide fertile ground for current rounds of racist […]
Trump’s Racism is Reducing our News Anchors to Tears: CNN’s Victor Blackwell Pushes Back over Baltimore “Infestation”
CNN | Video Clip | – “CNN’s Victor Blackwell became emotional while responding to President Donald Trump’s tweets calling Rep. Elijah Cummings’ (D-MD) district a “very dangerous & filthy place” and calls out the President’s repeated use of the word “infested” while attacking minority lawmakers. #CNN #News” CNN: “CNN’s Victor Blackwell tears up defending hometown […]
Yes, Obstruction; Yes, Collusion: The Mueller Report Proved the one and Gave Evidence for the Other
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump keeps trying to hypnotize people by saying “No collusion, no obstruction,” and saying that Mueller exonerated him. Since so few Americans and so few in Congress will actually read the Mueller report, he thinks he can get away with the Big Lie. Mueller explicitly denied yesterday that he had […]
Russian Bribes, Mideast Plots and the Election of Trump: What Mueller has already Told Us
Reprint edition The Mueller report sheds further light on the infamous Seychelles meeting in January, 2017, which appears to have aimed at establishing a back channel for the Trump administration to the circle of Russian President Vladimir Putin, brokered by Mohammed Bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates. That is, this story is not about […]
No, John McCain’s Response to Obama being Called “an Arab” was not Exemplary: Here’s Why
A video of Sen. John McCain from the 2008 presidential campaign wherein he disagrees with a woman at one of his campaign rallies about Obama being “an Arab” has gone viral again. It is being contrasted with Trump’s insouciance as his blackshirts chanted “send her home” concerning Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). People who are holding […]
The Politics of Fear is intended to make us Dumb and Tribal, if we Let it
By Arash Javanbakht | – People have always used fear for intimidation of the subordinates or enemies, and shepherding the tribe by the leaders. Recently, it appears that Pres. Trump has used fear by suggesting in a tweet that four minority congresswomen go back to the places they came from. There is a longstanding history […]
Putting the American in Somali-American: Why does Ilhan Omar put a Scare into the US Power Elite?
Reprint edition. By Juan Cole | – Trump has attempted to depict Rep. Ilhan Omar’s reformism as an expression of hatred for the US. It is not. It is a recognition of the dark underbelly of this country’s history, its entanglement in colonialism and slavery and class oppression. She makes this critique from a unique […]
Notorious Moments in Modern History when Dictators Sent their own Citizens “Back”
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump’s crowds have started chanting “Send her back!” referring to Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), a Somali-American who came as a refugee when a child and was naturalized. The idea that some citizens are less loyal or less patriotic or less deserving of residency than other citizens is not new in […]