Trump tweeted that the moon is a part of Mars. People cried dementia, but here are some alternative ideas as to what he meant. 1. It is true that meteors strike Mars and send Mars soil and dust to the moon. And vice versa. 2. Both the moon and Mars (and earth) congealed from space […]
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Donald Trump
Hey, Psst, Prince Charles: Here are Some Graphs on Global Heating that maybe Even Trump could Understand
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump says that a meeting with Prince Charles that was supposed to last for 15 minutes extended to an hour and a half conversation as the prince attempted to convince him of the reality of climate change. Prince Charles may as well have saved his breath. There are nothing but […]
Why Britain Protested: Trump a “Sexual Predator” and “Racist” says Shadow FM
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump feigned not to see them or imagined them as putting out a welcome mat for him, but the actual reaction of the British public to his visit was profound dismay that he was given state honors. Washington Post: “Londoners protest Trump’s state visit: He ‘shouldn’t even be allowed in […]
On Anniversary of D-Day: Would Trump have bothered, or Been on Other Side?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – I grew up in the shadow of World War II. It ended only seven years before I was born. I had an uncle who had been at the Battle of the Bulge. My father was too young to serve, but was inspired by the fight against fascism and joined as […]
With Trump Doubling down on Yemen War, Will Congress End Imperial Presidency?
R. Joseph Parrott | – The Trump administration on May 24 announced an emergency declaration to sell billions of dollars worth of arms to Saudi Arabia without congressional approval. This comes just a month after Congress passed legislation demanding the halt of U.S. aid for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen against Houthi rebels loosely aligned […]
A Wroth Mueller Comes for Nancy Pelosi: Rashida Tlaib is Right
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Bob Mueller measures his words, but he is as Merriam Webster’s thesaurus has it, angered, apoplectic, ballistic, choleric, enraged, foaming, fuming, furious, hopping, horn-mad, hot, incensed, indignant, inflamed (also enflamed), infuriate, infuriated, irate, ireful, livid, mad, outraged, rabid, rankled, riled, riley, roiled, sore, steamed up, steaming, teed off, ticked, wrathful, […]
Robert Mueller Statement Transcript: If we had Found Trump Innocent, We would Have Said So
Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered a 10-minute speech from the Justice Department on Wednesday: Transcript: Two years ago, the Acting Attorney General asked me to serve as Special Counsel, and he created the Special Counsel’s Office. The appointment order directed the office to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. This included investigating any […]
No Fair! Iran Puts their Country Right next to US Military Bases in Gulf
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Trump administration made a grand and empty show Friday of announcing the dispatch to the Middle East of 1,500 US military personnel, allegedly to signal Iran not to attack US troops in the region. Update: Actually, it is 900 new troops and 600 having their deployment extended. I.e. nothing. […]
Iran’s Leader, Khamenei, Blasts Pres. Rouhani for Negotiating Nuclear deal with US
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The private Tasnim news agency reports from Iran that in a speech to thousands of university students, Iran’s clerical leader Ali Khamenei made an unusual and extraordinary criticism of president Hassan Rouhani and foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif over their handling of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or […]