By Negin Owliaei | – ( – Every morning for the last two months, I’ve checked the news in my home state of Florida with growing concern. First came the photos of unemployed people lining up to file for benefits in person, denied access to an overburdened system. Then came the news that only […]
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Donald Trump
Coronavirus and the End of American Exceptionalism
( ) – Remember the song “Over There”? “Over there, over there Send the word, send the word over there That the Yanks are coming, The Yanks are coming, The drums rum-tumming everywhere…” Maybe not, since it was popular so long ago, but it was meant to inspire American troops saying goodbye to their […]
Male Face Masks have been the Height of Masculinity for Centuries: Why see Coronavirus Masks as Wimpy?
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – A recent study of the way Americans are adapting to the coronavirus found that “Men more than women agree that wearing a face covering is shameful, not cool, a sign of weakness, and a stigma”. The study indicated that American men resist wearing face masks more than do women, partly […]
I guess “Islam” doesn’t Hate us After All: Trump pins hopes for Vaccine on Muslim-American Slaoui
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Trump became president in part by playing on fears, resentments and outright hatred among some segments of the American public, especially of a racial and religious sort. He bashed Mexican-Americans as drug dealers and rapists, and recently blamed Chinese-Americans for the coronavirus. But no group came in for so fierce […]
Dr. Bright to Congress: With 85,000 already Dead, US Gov’t Coronavirus Inaction threatens us with “Darkest Winter in Modern History”
The testimony of Dr. Rick Bright on Thursday was a remarkably low-key affair given the bombshell revelations Ruiz divulged of the paralysis, inaction and frankly stupidity of the Trump administration regarding the looming coronavirus catastrophe back in January and February. We all saw Trump himself say stupid things like that the virus was a hoax […]
How China’s Han Empire Predicted America’s Imperial Decay
Ann Arbor (Special to Informed Comment) – The Han dynasty’s collapse is an abject lesson in imperial decay that prefigures in alarming ways our own national decline. Bad policies replaced professionalism with cronyism and compromised formal checks on administration. Three years of the Trump administration can be compared with Han Imperial decline point for point. […]
Top 6 Reasons Trump & Pompeo are Blessing Israel’s new Annexationist Government
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dropped in on Israel on Wednesday to bestow his blessing on the new annexationist coalition government being formed by indicted prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his new partner, Gen. Benny Gantz of the Blue and White bloc. Pompeo flew 24 hours to spend 6 […]
Covid-19: No, we’re not all in this Together; Some Americans are being put at much Greater Risk
Greenfield, Mass. (Special to Informed Comment) – There is a meme circulating in this time of pandemic that we are all in this together, that Covid-19 is, as New York Governor Cuomo stated, the “great equalizer.” From one vantage point, this appears to be true: last week a staff person to Vice President Pence and […]
Pence, who urged Impeachment of Bill Clinton for Lying, Would join Trump in Welcoming Confessed Liar Michael Flynn back to White House
Vice President Mike Pence says he would be happy to have disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn back in the White House. The statement came after Bill Barr’s Department of Justice said it did not want to prosecute Flynn for lying to the FBI. Note, Barr does not deny that Flynn committed this crime. […]